- 👋 Hi, I’m @752963e64
- 📫 How to reach me 752963e64@tutanota.com
- ✨ Pronouns: Where is money?
- ⚡ Fun fact: I need money.
- ✨ I'm POLYGLOT with both natural and programming languages ✨
- ✨ I don't come from cozy... younger fridge was void, parent absent. And I know the street! ✨
- ✨ I didn't go to school... ✨
- ✨ I don't need diploma to prove myself I'm DAMN CLEVER :D ✨
- ✨ Diploma is the academic investment you put to get rewarded from those sustaining school walls... Their biz ain't about being capable It's just about money... :D ✨
- ✨ You can be smarter in some conditions without diploma that it's gonna be meaningless to your life lvl... However them learning from you are right placed to grab the good... and you'll maybe have ovation when you will be dead dead from starving since a while... That's how it works... no shit! :D ✨
- ⚡ ANYTHING is also PERSONA... ⚡
Why, how, lookup, understand, masters! Is my Mojo.
It applies naturally all the time to everything, even If I'm not looking to.
The invention that changed the world!
I'm self taught engineer in system and network programming with different languages,
operating systems since the 2000 era. Meanwhile I did website prototypes from the ground up,
with and without HTTP server from scratch. I also have a dusty stack pile from prototyping
devices modules(AntMiner U1*7,arduino,buspirate,armv7 RPi like) taking the dust.
Yeah I did bitcoin before inflation, I even hacked first btc protocol...
I've been stole by Crypsty, Coinex.pw, Cex.io... then I left crypto.
Few years ago I started to have interest in game dev. So makes me a good generalist.
I read binary/source code like books.
For me a program well done always fit any automation process.
To be clearer, There is no need a reasoning layer on top algorithm that are already reasoning.
- senior system engineer (yeah let's make a crapy programming language jit or not...)
- senior security engineer (I don't write toys, I lock up things you wont bypass, because I can't too...)
These 2 cat. are more like local playground... graphics Is HIGHLY FLAWED FROM THE GROUND UP... :D
- intermediate UX devel (U wanna box cliping or do we play texture, the DE toolkit? maybe...)
- intermediate game devel (I wanna make things decently(no boring context), untwisted like the madness you can find around...)
"You've to hate things to move on the next one fiting the purpose. Only Aging let you understand this. Just don't be sarcastic."
$ cat m.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define _ $
#define o(_)\
int main(){char *c = \
;o(054*1);o(0x20+2-2);c = \
return linux > unix;}
$ gcc -o m ./m.c && ./m && echo $?
hello, world!