What's Changed
- Updated MH-47 Support for Jump Script by @Elemtael in #1189
- Improved code quality for the the Halo and Line Jump script by @AndreasBrostrom in #1191
- Changed pylon and logistics system to utilize separate sqf files by @AndreasBrostrom in #1125
- Fixed PVS-31 classnames after USP update by @pool011 in #1194
- Updated settings for ACE Update by @pool011 in #1196
- Fixed undefined variables that could popup when pylons were wronly defined by @AndreasBrostrom in #1195
- Fixed Take Attendance zen moduel not working by @AndreasBrostrom in #1200
- Updated Viking Platoon Weapons squad composition by @Zarenx in #1199
- Added cScripts and loadout chat command to give you cscripts version and loadout name by @AndreasBrostrom in #1211
- Fixed formated log show macros using debug macros instead parent show macro by @AndreasBrostrom in #1212
- Changed attendance functions and module not return a copy pastable dialogue by @AndreasBrostrom in #1214
- Changed so isCurator now also return true if your a curator and added a missionAdmin check that check if player is curator or admin by @AndreasBrostrom in #1213
- Removed Tagging system by @AndreasBrostrom in #1209
Full Changelog: 4.5.18...4.5.19