####Online application for management of attendance of students
This is an application for management of attendance of students in a college. Written in PHP, using MySQL database.
- Easy to use, allows importing teachers/students from a .csv file
- Can be accessed from any computer on the network
- Detailed report generation with cumulative attendance
- Teachers can login and enter the attendance, change the attendance
- Administrator has access to all the teachers' courses
Download all the files into your server (server must support PHP and MySQL) create a database named 'pr'. Import the db.sql file provided into the newly created database. Change the details of the MySQL server in 'sett.php'
Login as Administrator. Username: admin, Password: admin then create a new teacher, or import them from a .csv file (sample provided as tea.csv). Create a new subject for the new teacher. Then import students into that subject from a .csv file (sample provided as stu.csv). Enter attendence a few times, you can also try changing them. View the report.
Will be updated soon
DISCLAIMER: I did this project as a hobby when I was in middle school, So please excuse my coding style. There are bugs.