Deployed link : Live Site
Deployed docs path: Deployed Docs
You can also access docs on local server by navigating to "/docs/index.html"
Please run npm install
to install all project required dependencies.
This project uses Leaflet for maps , Leaflet Routing Machine for routing , H3-js for Uber H3 cells and Geoman for drawing tools. Additionally Typedoc is used for generating docs.
After installation - run the development server:
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run start
npm run docs
- use
npm run dev
to start the local server. - use
npm run build
to start the production build files. - use
npm run start
to start the local server using production build files (run yarn build first!). - use
npm run docs
to reupdate the typedoc generated docs.
Place Markers by double clicking on map
On placing marker uber h3 cell data is fetched along with street adress and shown on map - h3 cell polygon gets drawn
Can place multiple markers - displays tooltip and all marker popups contain marker relevant data
Relevant data includes : Marker address, marker latlng , uber h3 cell index which contains marker along with h3cell center latlng
After placing at least two markers on map Routing button gets displayed
Leaflet Routing Machine uses marker latlngs as waypoints and makes network calls to OSRM server
On sucessfull network request routing plan gets displayed.
More markers can be added to and rerouted - waypoints and marker data will adjusted automatically
Clear button - can clear markers , route line and routing plan window
- Define service area bounds by drawing a rectangle or polygon on to the map
On placing a rect/polygon ; the boundary data is used for fetch uberh3 cells data
Uber h3 indices which fit within the polygon boundary is calculated
Uber h3 indices are then used to generate uber h3 ploygon and gets drawn on the polygon
NOTE: only user drawn rectange / polygon boundaries are used for enforcing restriction on placing markers
Uber h3 polygon gets updated everytime service is edited or moved (that is when drawn rect/polygon is edited or moved)
When service area is active - markers only can be placed within service area boundaries
Route button gets displayed when at least two markers are placed
Same as before - routing data is fetched using markers as waypoints
Same as before - more markers can placed and rerouted
Clear button - can only clear markers , route line and routing plan
You can remove service area by using eraser button on bottom left
Eraser button becomes visible when a service area is drawn but no markers are placed
- Project setup using create-next-app - typescript
- Used Leaflet , Leaflet Routing Machine ,h3-js and Geoman
- Users can place markers by double clicking
- Markers display path information and clicking it displays information such address, latlng , h3 data.
- Users can draw rectangle or polygon on the map
- Rectangle / ploygon can be resized , moved and deleted
- Uber h3 cell data are fetched when markers placed and h3 cell gets drawn
- Uber h3 cell data are also fetched when rect/polygon are placed and h3 polygon gets drawn
- Multiple markers can placed on to the map and routing also works
- Only one rectangle or polygon can be placed on map - one service area
- When a service area is drawn - mutliple markes can only be placed within service area
- Service area enforces marker placing restrictions
- Routing can be triggered by clicking on Route button (requires at least 2 markers)
- Clear button can be used to remove markers , route line and routing plan
- Eraser button (on bottomleft) should be used to remove a service area.
- Nextjs based - generated as a static site
- Typescript codebase
- Codebase documented - makes use of typedoc to generate docs
- Readme & dedicated docs
- File versioning - using git/ github
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) deployment: Storage Bucket with Load balancer