- 🔭 I’m currently working on machine learning research in my spare time. I'm also looking at ways to improve machine learning inference in battle-tested production systems.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Golang, Kotlin and Rust
- 📫 How to reach me: Simply @ me by raising an issue in my personal repository
Recent Projects
- Decision Engine with Rust and Python bindings
- Sortie an opinionated pyproject.toml formatter written in Rust
My ML Algorithm implementations and/or tutorials:
I am one of the original authors of scikit-learn's category encoders and jupyterlab-variableInspector
- Crank ML: What if scikit-learn was differentiable? Implementations of decision trees, linear models, decomposition, preprocessing all in pytorch
- Scene Completion: An implementation of "Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs"
- Graph Differential Pooling: A short tutorial/implementation of graph differential pooling to understand how it works
- Hoeffding Trees: A minimal implemention of Hoeffding trees with visualizations to understand how they work
- Feature Rich Encodings: An implementation of feature rich encodings for NLP applications
My foray into parsers and compilers: