99 is the biggest brazilian ride-hailing app. You probably already know that. And it is growing very fast.
Since we're growing fast, we'd like a new feature in our app, the 99PET.
And how's that going to work? Well, it is very simple: we want pets to use our service as petssengers. (yes, we really enjoy creating new words)
According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), there are 52,2 million dogs and 22 million cats approximately in Brazil.
Yes, that's right: there are more pets than kids here in Brazil. I mean, we love kids here at 99, but, pets gives us less headaches, that's why we are betting on them.
So, now you're wondering who will develop this app? Well, I guess we need you to do it. And if you do a good job, we will (probably) want you in our team. ;)
Do not worry about interfaces nor front-end. We have the best capybara pet-software engineers working on UX, UI and also coding amazing JS (they seem to prefer React Native over Kotlin or Swift). All of them giving their best to create the an amazing experience for our 99PET users.
We expect nothing less from you, and that's why you must create the backend for this app.
Let's talk about the requirements, shall we?
- You can use any JVM language you want, but, we want you to apply functional concepts while developing this app. Hint: using Scala is a plus. ;)
- All of the data must be stored in a database of your choice. Expect us to ask why you took this decision.
- As we said, there are a lot of pets here in Brazil. We expect that one day all of them are going to be using our app. Knowing that, your app must be able to handle a high load of requests per second, so, choose what you will use very wisely.
- Your application needs to be horizontally scalable.
- We are lazy and want a very detailed README.md explaining how to set the environment up to use your app. Hint: the simpler, the better.
- The source code should be in any git repository (e.g.: github, bitbucket, gitlab, you choose). If the repository is private, you need to grant access to your interviewers.
- Well-designed automated tests help you to build a well-designed application.
- Deploying your app somewhere is also a plus.
I guess that's all you need to know before understanding what you will build.
Your backend app should expose via Restful the following domains:
- Driver
- Petssenger
- Ride
The driver won't have any kind of grade, so, you don't need to worry about it. It seems that pets don't know how to rate them very well. They seem to love everyone, so, it'd be pointless to create this feature.
The driver must have the following attributes: name, e-mail, car type and license plate.
The petssenger is very similar to the driver, I mean, besides being a pet and not a human, but, you already know that.
The attributes that they must have are just: name and e-mail. (Yes, e-mail. You can't imagine how smart the pets can get these days...)
The app should allow the clients to create, fetch and update both driver and petssengers.
Also, we want to start rides, update ride status and notify the pet via e-mail when a ride is finished.
Pay attention for the following rules about rides:
- A ride must have a driver and a petssenger.
- Drivers and petssengers can only be in one ride at once.
- Once the ride starts, your app will receive checkpoints (which is a GPS localization) of the ride at regular intervals.
- The distance is calculated based on the travelled distance between all the checkpoints.
- The price is calculated based on the distance.
- After the ride is finished, the app must e-mail the pet about the ride information.
To calculate the distance, the price and to send the e-mail, we will provide the endpoints for you, so, no worries about them.
Watch yourself while designing your Restful endpoints, otherwise the capybara pet-enginners are going to be very pissed.
Okay, now, explaining how you're going to integrate with our three endpoints:
POST /email HTTP/1.1
Host: pet.99app.com
Content-Type: application/json
"petssenger_name": "Rufus",
"petssenger_email": "rufus_big_dog@gmail.com",
"driver_name": "Zé",
"driver_email": "zezin@gmail.com",
"distance": 2.35, //in km
"price": 9.85
POST /distance HTTP/1.1
Host: pet.99app.com
Content-Type: application/json
"lat": -23.550520,
"lon": -46.633309
"lat": -23.563210,
"lon": -46.654250
"lat": -23.574760,
"lon": -46.648786
"lat": -23.567266,
"lon": -46.638920
"lat": -23.571869,
"lon": -46.630472
The informed checkpoints must be in order.
The return will be:
"distance": 5.34 //in km
GET /price?distance=5.0 HTTP/1.1
Host: pet.99app.com
The return will be:
"price": 11.7
Ups, I almost forgot: we don't have these three endpoints yet, so, you should mock all the calls to simulate the behaviour of them.
That's all you need to know. Well, good luck and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us.
See you!