Files for the video explainig the process of modifying a standard EA for trading on MT5 custom symbols.
This folder contains the origianal source code fro the Moving Average exert advisor shipped with MT5 at the moement of making the video.
This folder contains the following files:
Moving Average.mq5 - the origianl EA source code
Moving Average Mod.mq5 - the EA source code modified in the first part of the video
Moving Average Trade Tracker.mq5 - the EA source code with calls to the Trade Tracker library added to it
This folder contains the following files:
CodeSnippet.mqh - the code snippet used in the first part of the video. It contain the GetTradableSymbol() and IsCustomSymbolDataSeriesReady() functions
Trade_Tracker_for_Custom_Symbols.mqh - the header file for the Trade Tracker library available from