A simple excel import and export tool with java
- 支持集合类的导入导出
- 配置简单,只需对将要导入、导出的实体类添加Import、Export注解
- 支持对Date类型的导入导出处理
- 侵入性小,将该工具包打包后直接引入即可
- Import and export support for collection classes
- The configuration is simple, simply adding Import and Export annotations to the entity class to import and export
- Support for processing Date type when handle the import and export
- 首先获取源代码,可以使用下载压缩包或者clone的方式,clone命令:
git clone git@github.com:AAA-AA/excelUtils.git
- 获取到源代码后,打开工程,找到test目录,里面有个ExcelTest类,根据自己的系统修改相应的路径,然后直接运行即可
- In the first,you should get the source code, you can either download the zip of this project or use command of git,just like here:
git clone git@github.com:AAA-AA/excelUtils.git
- After you have got the code, then, you should open the project, and find the package of test, in the package, there is a class of ExcelTest, you should configure the path before start
- 此工具类中执行导入操作时需注意,请务必在classpath路径下包含excel_map.properties文件,里面配置需要导出的指定属性
- 引入slf4j, 摒弃common-log
- 支持注解直接添加至字段属性上
- 修复导出60000条自动分sheet的问题
- 更改依赖的作用域,避免依赖方重复引入
- 基础初始化版本