For cracking some file that forget the pwd, currently support rar crack in Macox
- Q: How does it crack rar file?
Well, firstly, it will use the rainbow table which contains a huge number of pwd to crack, if it failed, then use enumeration of pwd
- Q: What else compressed file support?
As is so far, just support rar,zip,and zip crack is not tested
In order to support unpack rar file in MacOs, you need to execute in terminal with command brew install unrar
In the terminal, execute command pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd into the project dir, execute with command python3 -i test.rar 3 5
, to check if the
code is worked!
you can execute like step3 above, specifying the dest rar file, the numbers of pwd length is optional.
This is not for commercial use, it's just for personal and educational use.