Program for downloading photo and video from Reddit and Twitter
Enjoying the tool? Considering adding to my coffee fund :)
- Download pictures and videos from users' profiles:
- Reddit images;
- Reddit galleries of images;
- Redgifs hosted videos (;
- Reddit hosted videos (downloading Reddit hosted video is going through ffmpeg);
- Twitter images;
- Twitter videos.
- Parse channel and view data.
- Add users from parsed channel.
- Labeling users.
- Filter exists users by label or group.
The program parsing all user's posts, gathering pictures' MD5 hash and compare with existing for remove duplicates. Then media will be downloaded.
The program parsing all user's posts and compare file names with existing for remove duplicates. Then media will be downloaded.
- Windows 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 with NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher
- Authorization cookies and tokens for Twitter (if you want to download data from Twitter)
- ffmpeg library for download Reddit hosted videos (you can download it from the official repo or from my first release)
- Don't put program in the
Program Files
system folder (this is portable program and program settings are stored in the program folder) - Just unpack program archive in any folder you want, copy
into and enjoy. :-)
The program has an intuitive interface.
Just add user profile and press Start downloading
Users can be added by patterns:
- u/SomeUserName
- SomeUserName (in this case you must to choose user site)
More about users adding here
Full guide you can find here
Create a shortcut for the program. Open shortcut properties. On the Shortcut
tab in Target
field just add v
at the end through the space.
Example: D:\Programs\SCrawler\SCrawler.exe v