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AB-Ares committed Nov 19, 2021
1 parent 2af63a9 commit 97a9924
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Showing 27 changed files with 1,163 additions and 941 deletions.
823 changes: 484 additions & 339 deletions Displacement_strain_planet/

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179 changes: 126 additions & 53 deletions Displacement_strain_planet/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,16 @@ def SH_deriv(theta, phi, lmax):
# ==== SH_deriv_store ====

def SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=None, save=True, compressed=False):
def SH_deriv_store(
Compute and store or load spherical harmonic derivatives
over the entire sphere (first and second order).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,16 +157,26 @@ def SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=None, save=True, compressed=False):
Maximum spherical harmonic degree to compute for the derivatives.
path : string
Path to store or load spherical harmonic derivatives.
dtype : data-type, optional, default = numpy.float64
The desired data-type for the arrays (default is that of numpy).
This can help reducing the size of the stored array.
lmaxgrid : int, optional, default = None
The maximum spherical harmonic degree resolvable by the grid,
latitude(2 * lmaxgrid + 2) and longitude(2 * (2 * lmaxgrid + 2)).
Should be higher or equal than lmax. If None, this parameter is set to lmax.
save : boolean, optional, default = True
The maximum spherical harmonic degree resolvable by the grid.
If None, this parameter is set to lmax.
When grid=='GLQ', the gridshape is (lmaxgrid+1, 2*lmaxgrid+1) and
(2*lmaxgrid+2, 2*(2*lmaxgrid+2)) when grid=='DH'.
grid: string, optional, default = None
Either 'DH' or 'GLQ' for Driscoll and Healy grids or Gauss-Legendre
Quadrature grids following the convention of SHTOOLs.
If None, the grid is set to 'GLQ'.
save : bool, optional, default = True
If True, save the data at the given path location.
compressed : boolean, optional, default = False
compressed : bool, optional, default = False
If True, the data is saved in compressed .npz format instead of
npy, which decreases the file size by about a factor 2. This is
recommended when lmax > 75.
quiet : bool, optional, default = True
If True, suppress printing output.
if lmaxgrid is None:
lmaxgrid = lmax
Expand All @@ -166,34 +185,51 @@ def SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=None, save=True, compressed=False):
"lmaxgrid should be higher or equal than lmax, input is %s" % (lmaxgrid)
+ " with lmax = %s." % (lmax)
n = 2 * lmaxgrid + 2
poly_file = "%s/Y_lmsd1d2_lmax%s_lmaxgrid%s.%s" % (

if grid is None or grid == "GLQ":
nlat = lmaxgrid + 1
nlon = 2 * nlat - 1
elif grid == "DH":
nlat = 2 * lmaxgrid + 2
nlon = 2 * nlat
raise ValueError(
"Grid format non recognized allowed are 'DH' and 'GLQ', input was %s"
% (grid)

poly_file = "%s/Y_lmsd1d2_%slmax%s_lmaxgrid%s_f%s.%s" % (
"GLQ" if grid is None else grid,
"npz" if compressed else "npy",

if Path(poly_file).exists() == 0:
"Pre-compute SH derivatives, may take some"
+ " time depending on lmax and lmaxgrid, which are %s and %s."
% (lmax, lmaxgrid)
if quiet is False:
"Pre-compute SH derivatives, may take some"
+ " time depending on lmax and lmaxgrid, which are %s and %s."
% (lmax, lmaxgrid)
print("dtype is %s." % (dtype))
index_size = int((lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2) / 2)
shape_save = (n, 2 * n, 2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1)
Y_lm_d1_theta_a = np.zeros(shape_save)
Y_lm_d1_phi_a = np.zeros(shape_save)
Y_lm_d2_phi_a = np.zeros(shape_save)
Y_lm_d2_thetaphi_a = np.zeros(shape_save)
Y_lm_d2_theta_a = np.zeros(shape_save)
y_lm_save = np.zeros(shape_save)
phi_ar = np.linspace(0, 360, 2 * n, endpoint=False) * pi / 180.0
shape_save = (nlat, nlon, 2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1)
Y_lm_d1_theta_a = np.zeros(shape_save, dtype=dtype)
Y_lm_d1_phi_a = np.zeros(shape_save, dtype=dtype)
Y_lm_d2_phi_a = np.zeros(shape_save, dtype=dtype)
Y_lm_d2_thetaphi_a = np.zeros(shape_save, dtype=dtype)
Y_lm_d2_theta_a = np.zeros(shape_save, dtype=dtype)
y_lm_save = np.zeros(shape_save, dtype=dtype)
phi_ar = np.linspace(0, 360, nlon, endpoint=False) * pi / 180.0
y_lm = np.zeros((len(phi_ar), 2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1))

t_i = -1
for theta in np.linspace(0, 180, n, endpoint=False) * pi / 180.0:
print(" colatitude %s of 180" % (int(theta * 180 / pi)), end="\r")
for theta in np.linspace(0, 180, nlat, endpoint=False) * pi / 180.0:
if quiet is False:
print(" colatitude %s of 180" % (int(theta * 180 / pi)), end="\r")
t_i += 1
sint = np.sin(theta)
cost = np.cos(theta)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +288,8 @@ def SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=None, save=True, compressed=False):

if save:
if quiet is False:
print("Saving SH derivatives at: %s" % (path))
if compressed:
Expand All @@ -274,21 +312,27 @@ def SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=None, save=True, compressed=False):
if quiet is False:
print("Not saving SH derivatives")
if compressed:
"Loading precomputed compressed SH derivatives for strain calculations"
data = np.load(poly_file)
Y_lm_d1_theta_a = data["Y_lm_d1_t"]
Y_lm_d1_phi_a = data["Y_lm_d1_p"]
Y_lm_d2_theta_a = data["Y_lm_d2_t"]
Y_lm_d2_phi_a = data["Y_lm_d2_p"]
Y_lm_d2_thetaphi_a = data["Y_lm_d2_tp"]
y_lm_save = data["Y_lm"]
print("Loading done")
if quiet is False:
"Loading precomputed compressed SH derivatives for strain calculations"
with np.load(poly_file) as data:
Y_lm_d1_theta_a = data["Y_lm_d1_t"]
Y_lm_d1_phi_a = data["Y_lm_d1_p"]
Y_lm_d2_theta_a = data["Y_lm_d2_t"]
Y_lm_d2_phi_a = data["Y_lm_d2_p"]
Y_lm_d2_thetaphi_a = data["Y_lm_d2_tp"]
y_lm_save = data["Y_lm"]
if quiet is False:
print("Loading done")
print("Loading precomputed SH derivatives for strain calculations")
if quiet is False:
print("Loading precomputed SH derivatives for strain calculations")
Expand All @@ -297,7 +341,8 @@ def SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=None, save=True, compressed=False):
) = np.load(poly_file, allow_pickle=True)
print("Loading done")
if quiet is False:
print("Loading done")

return (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,6 +370,7 @@ def Displacement_strains(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,9 +442,14 @@ def Displacement_strains(
lon_max : float, optional, default = 360
Maximum longitude for grid computation of strains and stresses.
lmaxgrid : int, optional, default = None
The maximum spherical harmonic degree resolvable by the grid,
latitude(2 * lmaxgrid + 2) and longitude(2 * (2 * lmaxgrid + 2)).
The maximum spherical harmonic degree resolvable by the grid.
If None, this parameter is set to lmax.
When grid=='GLQ', the gridshape is (lmaxgrid+1, 2*lmaxgrid+1) and
(2*lmaxgrid+2, 2*(2*lmaxgrid+2)) when grid=='DH'.
grid: string, optional, default = None
Either 'DH' or 'GLQ' for Driscoll and Healy grids or Gauss-Legendre
Quadrature grids following the convention of SHTOOLs.
If None, the grid is set to 'GLQ'.
only_deflec : bool, optional, default = False
Output only the displacement grid for all latitude and longitudes.
Y_lm_d1_t : array, float, size(2,lmax+1,lmax+1), optional, default = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,7 +490,18 @@ def Displacement_strains(
"lmaxgrid should be higher or equal than lmax, input is %s" % (lmaxgrid)
+ " with lmax = %s." % (lmax)
n = 2 * lmaxgrid + 2

if grid is None or grid == "GLQ":
nlat = lmaxgrid + 1
nlon = 2 * nlat - 1
elif grid == "DH":
nlat = 2 * lmaxgrid + 2
nlon = 2 * nlat
raise ValueError(
"Grid format non recognized allowed are 'DH' and 'GLQ', input was %s"
% (grid)

if Y_lm_d1_p is not None:
if quiet is False:
Expand All @@ -456,7 +518,7 @@ def Displacement_strains(
) = SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=lmaxgrid)
) = SH_deriv_store(lmax, path, lmaxgrid=lmaxgrid, grid=grid)

# Some constants for the elastic model.
Re = R - (0.5 * Te)
Expand All @@ -472,7 +534,7 @@ def Displacement_strains(
w_lm[0, 0, 0] = 0.0

# Allocate arrays.
shape = (n, 2 * n)
shape = (nlat, nlon)
omega = np.zeros(shape)
kappa_theta = np.zeros(shape)
kappa_phi = np.zeros(shape)
Expand All @@ -482,8 +544,8 @@ def Displacement_strains(

deg2rad = pi / 180.0
grid_long, grid_lat = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(0, 360, 2 * n, endpoint=False) * deg2rad,
np.linspace(0, 180, n, endpoint=False) * deg2rad,
np.linspace(0, 360, nlon, endpoint=False) * deg2rad,
np.linspace(0, 180, nlat, endpoint=False) * deg2rad,
mask = (
(grid_lat > (colat_min - 1) * deg2rad)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,11 +663,11 @@ def Principal_strainstress_angle(s_theta, s_phi, s_theta_phi):
s_theta : array, float, size(n, 2 * n)
s_theta : array, float, size(nlat, nlon)
Array of the colatitude component of the stress or strain field.
s_phi : array, float, size(n, 2 * n)
s_phi : array, float, size(nlat, nlon)
Array of the longitude component of the stress or strain field.
s_theta_phi : array, float, size(n, 2 * n)
s_theta_phi : array, float, size(nlat, nlon)
Array of the colatitude and longitude component of the stress or strain field.
min_strain = 0.5 * (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,9 +725,11 @@ def Plt_tecto_Mars(
comp_fault_dat = np.loadtxt("%s/Knapmeyer_2006_compdata.txt" % (path))
ext_fault_dat = np.loadtxt("%s/Knapmeyer_2006_extedata.txt" % (path))
ind_comp_fault = np.isin(comp_fault_dat, np.arange(1, 5143 + 1, dtype=int))
idx_comp = 5143
idx_ext = 9676
ind_comp_fault = np.isin(comp_fault_dat, np.arange(1, idx_comp + 1, dtype=int))
ind_comp_fault_2 = np.where(ind_comp_fault)[0]
ind_ext_fault = np.isin(ext_fault_dat, np.arange(1, 9676 + 1, dtype=int))
ind_ext_fault = np.isin(ext_fault_dat, np.arange(1, idx_ext + 1, dtype=int))
ind_ext_fault_2 = np.where(ind_ext_fault)[0]

if ax is None:
Expand All @@ -677,24 +741,33 @@ def Plt_tecto_Mars(
faults_dats = [comp_fault_dat, ext_fault_dat]
faults_cols = [compression_col, extension_col]
labels = ["Compressional tectonic features", "Extensional tectonic features"]
max_idx = [idx_comp, idx_ext]

if compression and not extension:
faults_inds = [faults_inds[0]]
faults_dats = [faults_dats[0]]
faults_cols = [faults_cols[0]]
labels = [labels[0]]
max_idx = [max_idx[0]]
elif extension and not compression:
faults_inds = [faults_inds[1]]
faults_dats = [faults_dats[1]]
faults_cols = [faults_cols[1]]
labels = [labels[1]]
max_idx = [max_idx[1]]

for faults, dat, col, label in zip(faults_inds, faults_dats, faults_cols, labels):
for faults, dat, col, label, mx_ix in zip(
faults_inds, faults_dats, faults_cols, labels, max_idx
ax.plot(np.nan, np.nan, color=col, lw=lw, label=label)
for indx in range(1, len(faults)):
ind_fault_check = range(faults[indx - 1] + 1, faults[indx])
fault_dat_lon = dat[ind_fault_check][::2]
fault_dat_lat = dat[ind_fault_check][1::2]
for indx in range(1, len(faults) + 1):
if indx == mx_ix: # Add last point
fault_dat_lon = dat[faults[indx - 1] + 1 :][::2]
fault_dat_lat = dat[faults[indx - 1] + 1 :][1::2]
ind_fault_check = range(faults[indx - 1] + 1, faults[indx])
fault_dat_lon = dat[ind_fault_check][::2]
fault_dat_lat = dat[ind_fault_check][1::2]
split = (
np.argwhere((fault_dat_lon[:-1] * fault_dat_lon[1:] < 0)).ravel() + 1
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ Alternatively, you can install Displacement-strain-planet via pip

## Cite
You can cite the latest release of the package as:
Adrien Broquet. (2021). AB-Ares/Displacement_strain_planet: 0.2.5 (Version 0.2.5). Zenodo.
Adrien Broquet. (2021). AB-Ares/Displacement_strain_planet: 0.3.0 (Version 0.3.0). Zenodo.
Binary file modified docs/_build/doctrees/environment.pickle
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/_build/doctrees/source/Displacement_strain_planet.doctree
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/_build/html/examples.html
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@

<div class="version">

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8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions docs/_build/html/genindex.html
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Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@

<div class="version">

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ <h1 id="index">Index</h1>
<h2 id="C">C</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul>
<li><a href="source/Displacement_strain_planet.B1986_nmax.html#Displacement_strain_planet.B1986_nmax.constraint_test_symb">constraint_test_symb() (in module Displacement_strain_planet.B1986_nmax)</a>
<td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul>
<li><a href="source/Displacement_strain_planet.html#Displacement_strain_planet.corr_nmax_drho">corr_nmax_drho() (in module Displacement_strain_planet)</a>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,6 +291,8 @@ <h2 id="S">S</h2>
<h2 id="T">T</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul>
<li><a href="source/Displacement_strain_planet.B1986_nmax.html#Displacement_strain_planet.B1986_nmax.test_symb">test_symb() (in module Displacement_strain_planet.B1986_nmax)</a>
<li><a href="source/Displacement_strain_planet.html#Displacement_strain_planet.Thin_shell_matrix">Thin_shell_matrix() (in module Displacement_strain_planet)</a>

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/_build/html/index.html
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<div class="version">

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/_build/html/installation.html
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<div class="version">

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