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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 16, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Important notice

This repo was moved to, cuz GitHub SUCKS BAD, you can get banned for simply doing minor editing to a single README file on your own repo, thats what i called "You Dont Own Your Codes, But Corpos Do", i wont let GitHub STEAL my code that way, so i moved to a much better platform where all developers dont have to worry about sentient robot known as MicroShit :(


Version 2.8 Report issues here Telegram support group

Manage your Lua scripts on the go!

Why did i make this?

Just to make my life (maybe yours too) easier. and not having to install other proprietary APKs, executable, or even proprietary decryptor/encryptor that can only do one thing and its worst at the same time (eg: PG Encrypt, but no way to decrypt it in the same place, and vice versa. And also there's lots of proprietary gg Lua script out there. maybe you want to clean its garbage code so it can run faster? or run in in secure isolated environment so you can have a peace of mind knowing the files on your phone wont get removed by malicious os.remove API call, or overwriting your files using API call, or executing malicious commands using os.execute API, or you don't want your data to get stolen using gg.makeRequest API? Maybe you also wanted to encrypt the script in the correct way because you wanted to share a script, but also realized that your script is too much risky to share to public because you don't want bad cheater (aka. the abuser) uses too much out of your script to hurt other online players? Or you need that little extra tiny SPEED by precompiling the source script and removing its hidden garbage code too.


  • Simple, no bloat (no blingy nonsense, no fake loading).
  • Free & Open-Source, Licensed under GPL v3.
  • Flexible and configurable (assuming you know how to code lua)
  • Basic (De?)Compile, and (Dis)Assemble available (think of it like "pocket" (semi-un)luac).
  • Encryption:
    • Obfuscation modules (no one has EVER seen this concept):
      • Script signature & self-promote (optional).
      • Restrict GameGuardian version, package name, and target application package name.
      • Expiry date.
      • Detect Decrypt-related packages.
      • Detect external modification.
      • No Rename.
      • Anti SSTool (a normal function but breaks SSTool).
      • Obfuscations.
      • Hook detection.
      • Password (with optional ask password once).
      • Welcome (runs after putting correct password).
      • AntiLoad (calls load API with bogus function).
      • NoPeek (Prevent peeking at search values).
      • Spam Log.
      • BigLASM (Make disassembled script size extremely big).
      • "Human verification", useless but who knows someone wants it for "maximum security".
    • Uses XOR + key as encryption method, but its interchangeable (if you know how to code Lua).
    • Every obfuscation code is containerized, which is great for performance, security, and reduces global variable pollution.
    • Encrypted API query.
    • Blazing fast (No fake loading, no arbitrary slowdown, great optimization, local variables). . (TODO) Use password as decryption key
    • Respects both the author & the end user.
  • Decryption (again no one has ever seen this):
    • Bytecode patches:
      • Fix corrupted Lua header
      • Remove LASM Block (basically reducing artificially inflated maximum stack size for a function).
      • Remove BigLASM.
      • Remove (some) anti disassemble.
    • LASM patches:
      • Remove Garbage (self-explanatory, works best for most scripts).
      • Remove Code Hider (unstable).
      • Remove blocker (unstable-ish?).
    • Run script within an isolated environment (Powered by VirtGG).
      • Protect your device from unwanted script modification (os.execute,os.remove,gg.makeRequest,etc). . Grab a password from basic paywall script (untested). . Spoof gg/target version/package.
  • Inject custom code into compiled lua code (legit no one has this EVER, not even Open-Sourced ones!)


  • ABJ4403 - Original creator of LuaTools and VirtGG.
  • Veyron, HBXVPN - Obfuscation codes.
  • Enyby - For some portion of Script Compiler 3.7 source codes (specifically the dump input field).
  • SwinXTools - for Remove LASM Block deobfuscation codes.
  • Daddyaaaaaaa - for Remove blocker 1 deobfuscation codes.
  • LuaGGEG, Angela, MafiaWar - for Remove BigLASM code.

I created this under 24 hour (on a phone btw!) as a challenge :D So it would be really appreciated if you can contribute to LuaTools GitHub repository or give a star to my project on GitHub. or simply credit my work (by not removing mentions about me and others in this script :) Thank you :D PS: This is not compatible with Lua interpreter, this script is designed with GameGuardian APIs and Android directory hierarchy in mind.



LuaTools is Free Software: You can use, study, share, and improve it at will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.