Author: Jakob Bossek, Maintainer: Julian Dierkes (
- v1.0.0 [2022/05/04] Finished first version
- v1.1.0 [2022/08/19] Minor update:
- Slightly adapted padding of slide headers.
- Introduced RWTH-color palettes (primary and secodary): rwth-- with color-name in {blue, black, magenta, yellow, petrol, turquoise, green, maygreen, orange, red, maroon, violet, purple} and intensity in <10, 25, 50, 75, 100>.
- Changed background color of footer to rwth-blue-100 and adapted colors of text in slide footer for better readability (prior version was barely readable).
- Changed color of titles and frame-titles to rwth-blue-100.
- Got rid of non-RWTH colors.
- v1.2.0 [2023/03/13] Minor update:
- Changed citation style from alphabetic to authoryear
- Caption of figures and tables now do not start with 'Figure' and 'Table' respectively
- Add option allowframebreaks to references slide
- v1.3.0 [2025/02/10] Minor clarifications:
- Asking students to go through the template briefly to catch all the subtleties
- Explicitly mentioning to keep slides simple and do not overwhelm listeners with busy figures, tables or walls of text