Estimate of abundance, length composition and an examination of simplified long-term monitoring techniques for Neck Lake cutthroat trout.
The working directory for this repository is located at S:\RTS\Reimer\Neck Lake cutthroat trout\NeckCT_analysis.
The report for this project can be viewed at (insert web link once published).
The key files for this analysis is as follows:
Neck 2018 AWL Data Combined To Adam 12_17_18 CJS Edits 1_23_19.xlsx: Raw data associated with this analysis.
mr.rds: Cleaned data associated with this analysis.
Copy of 1998 Neck AWL Data.xlsx: Neck Lake cutthroat trout stock assessment data from 1998.
mr_18.R: R code which contains most of the analysis in this report.
mr_jags.R: Jags code used to estimate abundance of Neck Lake cutthroat trout.
results2018.rmd, results2018.html, Subsample_2018.rmd, Subsample_2018.html: Markdown files and html outputs used to communicate analysis results during report preparation.