AEA 1.4.4
Update Version 1.4.4
- Removed t1 submarine, replaced with Recon Sub in t1
- Replaced Siege tank with Behemoth Tank, similar in stats/price. Mainly a bullet sponge unit, but with a bit more punch.
- Achilles now does single target damage only, less powerful
- Added new Navy unit, $28k Heavy Destroyer. It has long range, powerful cannons, and good maneuverability. Weak to air.
- Removed the LRS and Target sub
- Several land factory units movement speeds slightly buffed
- Tesla tank range slightly buffed
- Experimental mammoth tank renamed to "Apocalypse tank", slightly buffed AA attack and range
- Experimental Tank price from $16800k to $14k, moves slower and shoots slower, but about the same DPS.
- King Kryptor now has some experimental armor, can tank air spam a bit better now
- Infantry sniper deployed range is now 360, dmg slightly lower and can barely tickle buildings now
- Several infantry taken down in price
- Ghost now does more DPS, moves faster in stealth mode
- MG infantry buffed all stats slightly
- Mothership can build Tesla mechs and Heavy mobile turrets now
- Experimental SAM tank moves slightly slower now, builds slower
- Assault mech movement speed back to .4, from .5
- Amphibious warship can now build Phantom Scouts
- Command center now has more HP, does AOE with more DPS
- Heavy missile ship price from $16k to $15k
- Many other minor bug/balance fixes