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Output Format

Vedant Dhruv edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 26 revisions


One of the goals of iharm2d_v4 is to provide users with a GRMHD code that is as similar to production (HARM-based) GRMHD codes (e.g., iharm3d) as possible while doing away with several dependencies. Therefore, iharm2d_v4 writes fluid output to ASCII files.

The goal of this page is to explain the grid file and the fluid dump files that are written out by io.c. The grid is generated during problem initialization and cached in the struct GridGeom. The grid file - dumps/grid - is written only at the start of the simulation. The fluid state data meanwhile is continuously updated in the FluidState struct, and based on the cadence provided (Dtd) in param.dat, the code regularly writes output to dump files dumps/dump_*.

Grid file format

The grid file contains the grid coordinates, the covariant and contravariant components of the metric, the Jacobian ($\sqrt{-g}$), and the lapse $\big(\alpha\equiv 1/\sqrt{-g^{00}}\big)$. Each column in the grid file corresponds to each of these quantities with the values written in C-like index order. This means that the last index is changing fastest, and in the case of iharm2d_v4 this corresponds to X2. The slower-changing index corresponds to X1.

If one wants to read the grid file in python, the code would something look like,

grid  = numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(dumpsdir,'grid'))
x     = grid[:,0].reshape((n1,n2))
z     = grid[:,1].reshape((n1,n2))
r     = grid[:,2].reshape((n1,n2))
th    = grid[:,3].reshape((n1,n2))
x1    = grid[:,4].reshape((n1,n2))
x2    = grid[:,5].reshape((n1,n2))
gdet  = grid[:,6].reshape((n1,n2))
lapse = grid[:,7].reshape((n1,n2))
gcon  = grid[:,8:24].reshape((n1, n2, ndim, ndim))
gcov  = grid[:,24:].reshape((n1, n2, ndim, ndim))

where n1 and n2 are the number of grid zones along X1 and X2 which can be read from the fluid dump header or the simulation compile-time parameter file parameters.h. ndim is the number of spacetime dimensions, or equivalently the matrix dimensions of the metric when represented in a coordinate basis, it's value is 4. grid is a numpy array that contains all the data stored in the grid file.

Dump file format

Just like iharm3d (see this), the fluid dump output can be schematically separated into two parts: the header - which in this case is the first line of the ASCII file - and the fluid state data.


The header (for the torus problem) contains,

Variable Description Type Notes
mad_type Is the simulation SANE (0) or MAD (1)? int
problem_type Type of physical problem string "torus" in this case
rin Inner radius of Fishbone-Moncrief torus double in code units
rmax Pressure maximum radius of Fishbone-Moncrief torus double in code units
beta Ratio of maximum fluid pressure to maximum magnetic pressure double $P_{g}/(b^2/2)$
u_jitter Perturbation to the fluid internal energy double
VERSION Code version string
has_electrons Were electrons enabled? int
gridfile Grid file name string
metric Type of metric string Can be MINKOWSKI, MKS or FMKS
reconstruction Reconstruction scheme string Can be LINEAR, WENO or MP5
N1 Number of grid zones along X1 int
N2 Number of grid zones along X2 int
n_prims Number of primitives int Typically 8 for the vanilla ideal GRMHD problem
n_prims_passive Number of passive primitives int Set to 0 for now
game Adiabatic index of electrons double Only if ELECTRONS were enabled
gamp Adiabatic index of protons double Only if ELECTRONS were enabled
fel0 Initial fraction of internal energy for electrons double Only if ELECTRONS were enabled
tptemin Minimum ratio of temperature of protons to electrons double Only if ELECTRONS were enabled
tptemax Minimum ratio of temperature of protons to electrons double Only if ELECTRONS were enabled
gam Adiabatic index of the fluid double
cour Courant number double
tf Final simulation time double in code units
startx1 Logical grid left edge (X1) double
startx2 Logical grid left edge (X2) double
dx1 Logical grid width along X1 double
dx2 Logical grid width along X2 double
n_dim Number of spacetime dimensions int 4
poly_xt FMKS coordinate transform parameter double Only if FMKS metric
poly_alpha FMKS coordinate transform parameter double Only if FMKS metric
mks_smooth FMKS coordinate transform parameter double Only if FMKS metric
Rin Domain inner edge double Only if FMKS/MKS metric
Rout Domain outer edge double Only if FMKS/MKS metric
Rhor Event horizon radius double Only if FMKS/MKS metric
Risco ISCO radius double Only if FMKS/MKS metric
hslope MKS coordinate transformation parameter double Only if FMKS/MKS metric
a Black hole spin double Only if FMKS/MKS metric
t Simulation time double in code units
dt Timestep double in code units
nstep Timestep number int
dump_cnt Dump number int
Dtd Dump cadence double in code units
Dtf Full fluid state cadence double Not used presently. Every dump is full fluid state dump

Fluid state data

The fluid state data contains,

Variable Description Type Notes
p Primitives N1xN2xn_prims array of doubles For vanilla, ideal GRMHD this contains arrays of RHO,UU,U1,U2,U3,B1,B2, and B3
jcon The 4-current N1xN2xn_dim array of doubles
gamma Lorentz factor N1xN2 array of doubles
divB Magnetic field divergence values N1xN2 array of doubles
fail_save Zones where UtoP failed N1xN2 array of ints See u_top.c to understand failure code
fflag Zones where fixup routine failed N1xN2 array of ints

One can read the fluid primitives like,

prims = np.loadtxt('dumps/dump_000000000',skiprows=1)
rho = prims[:,0].reshape((n1,n2))
uu  = prims[:,1].reshape((n1,n2))
U1  = prims[:,2].reshape((n1,n2))
U2  = prims[:,3].reshape((n1,n2))
U3  = prims[:,4].reshape((n1,n2))
B1  = prims[:,5].reshape((n1,n2))
B2  = prims[:,6].reshape((n1,n2))
B3  = prims[:,7].reshape((n1,n2))

If you would like to write your own python script to read and plot iharm2d_v4 output, this page in addition to files/scripts/ should prove to be a good reference.