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name: Setup Rust Environment
description: Sets up the Rust environment for the CI workflow
using: composite
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
key: ${{ runner.os }}-cargo-${{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }}
- uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
profile: minimal
toolchain: stable
- name: Add nightly rustfmt and clippy
shell: bash
run: rustup toolchain install nightly --component rustfmt --component clippy --allow-downgrade
- name: Add no_std toolchain
shell: bash
run: rustup toolchain install nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ; rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- name: Add wasm target
shell: bash
run: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- name: Install ucd-generate
shell: bash
run: cargo install -f ucd-generate
- name: Remove obsolete llvm (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
shell: bash
run: sudo apt purge llvm* clang*
- name: Install LLVM and Clang
uses: KyleMayes/install-llvm-action@v1
directory: ${{ runner.temp }}/llvm
version: 17
- name: Install deps
shell: bash
run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install nasm ninja-build gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi g++-arm-linux-gnueabi gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu gcc-mipsel-linux-gnu g++-mipsel-linux-gnu gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu g++-powerpc-linux-gnu libc6-dev-i386-cross libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386 lib32gcc-11-dev lib32stdc++-11-dev libgtk-3-dev pax-utils libz3-dev
- name: pip install
shell: bash
run: python3 -m pip install msgpack jinja2 find_libpython
- name: enable mult-thread for `make`
shell: bash
run: export MAKEFLAGS="-j$(expr $(nproc) \+ 1)"
- name: install cargo-make
uses: baptiste0928/cargo-install@v1.3.0
crate: cargo-make
- name: install wasm-pack
uses: baptiste0928/cargo-install@v1.3.0
crate: wasm-pack
- name: install cxxbridge-cmd
uses: baptiste0928/cargo-install@v1.3.0
crate: cxxbridge-cmd
- name: install chrome
uses: browser-actions/setup-chrome@v1
chrome-version: stable
- name: Symlink Headers
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
shell: bash
run: sudo ln -s /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm