AI-TOOLKIT Pro 64-bit v8.1.89
Maintenance release
AI-TOOLKIT Pro 64-bit v8.1.85
This is a maintenance release with error corrections and improvements.
AI-TOOLKIT Pro 64-bit v8.0.82
Maintenance release
AI-TOOLKIT Pro 64-bit v8.0.79
This is a maintenance release with error corrections and improvements.
AI-TOOLKIT Pro 64-bit v8.0.7
This is a maintenance release with error corrections and improvements. One of the things corrected is a syntax error in the project templates (may not contain the TAB character, replaced with spaces).
AI-TOOLKIT Pro 64-bit v8.0
This is a major release with a lot of new additions and improvements!
- Recurrent Neural Network module. Multivariate regression. Univariate regression. Classification. The time shift can be defined.
- New layer types:
o CeLU, eLU, SeLU
o LSTM, GRU - Recurrent neural network (RNN) examples:
o Electricity consumption prediction
o Stock price prediction - Added support for Intel OneAPI (MKL) with major speed increase on new processors.
- The Data Analysis module was not working well when comma was the decimal separator in the system. This has been corrected. Note: see note about decimal separator below!
- The split data into training and test set problem has been resolved. While importing data and splitting it into training and test sets some values were truncated to their integer form.
- The saving categorical values problem has been corrected (wrong column names were saved into the database).
- Added input/output nodes count feasibility check to standard neural networks and to RNNs.
- Added several new feasibility checks to several models (for example neural network architecture check).
- Added checking for project file change. Useful if changing the model after training it.
- The AudioEditor user interface is improved with automatic scaling to larger monitors.
- Several corrections, improvements and UI enhancements.
- Help extension & improvement.
IMPORTANT: The AI-TOOLKIT is optimized with period (.) as decimal separator! It will however also work on systems with comma as decimal separator. If your system uses comma as decimal separator then please consider changing it to period while using the AI-TOOLKIT. To easily change the decimal separator please follow the next steps:
- Click on Start (bottom-left) and type 'set regional format' and push enter.
- Click on 'Additional date, time & regional settings' (top-left).
- Click on 'Change date, time, or number formats'.
- Click on 'Additional Settings...' (bottom-right) and change the decimal symbol to period (.).
- Click Apply and keep the windows open. When you finished working with the AI-TOOLKIT then you may revert the decimal separator back to what it was.