Releases: AIexandrKotov/SLThree
Releases · AIexandrKotov/SLThree
0.8.1 Patch
- Restored if without else statement (#127)
0.8.0 Binding&Naming Update
- New method definition syntax
`[modifs][Name][<T>](args) {...}`
`[modifs][Name][<T>](args) => value`
- You can now implements contexts with ":" in the following cases:
- New initializers: // [] - optional
`new T [Name][: Ancestors][{...}]`
- New context creators:
`context [Name][: Ancestors] {...}`
`new context [Name][: Ancestors]`
- Statement-like notation (without `;`) for expressions with body:
condition, match, context, new, methods
- Constructor method that creates new contexts
`context TBase { constructor = (f) => this.f = f; };`
`T1 = TBase(5); T2 = TBase(10);`
- The right side of the nested context initializer
assignations now always refers to the self context
`x = 1; context A { context B { x = x; }}`
- Parent keyword in constructed contexts
`T1.parent == TBase;`
- Abstract methods (withoud body)
- Static expression (will be executed only once) `static x`
- Condition statement is now expression
- Using statement is now expression
- Strong method binding
- Changed context syntax:
`new context Name: T {...}` -> `new T Name {...}`
`new context: T {...}` -> `new T {...}`
`new context Name: T` -> `new T Name`
`new context: T` -> `new T`
`new context Name {...}` -> `context Name {...}`
`new context {...}` -> `context {...}`
- Executing method performance has been increased by ~10%
- Wrappers refactoring, minumum 3x faster wrapping
minimum 20x faster unwrapping
- Fixed object invokation (#125)
0.7.1 Patch
0.7.1 Patch
- Add support for generic dict creators <T, T>{} (#121)
0.7.0 Typing Update
REPL 2.0.0
- Spliited to .NET 4.7.1, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0
- Locals of context with `--context`
- Multiline input supporting
- Output of annotated methods, generic methods
- Output symbols cap `repl.max_output` (default: 2500)
- Broken compatibilty with SLThree 0.6.0 and older
SLThree 0.7.0 Typing Update
- Supporting .NET platform (.NET Standard 2.1+)
- Generic methods `<T>(...) => ...`
- Type annotations `T x = y`, `(T x, T y) = (1, 2)`, `(T a): T => a`,
`foreach (T x in ...)`
- Generic invokation `x<T>(a, b)`, sys.tlinq (typed linq)
- Match expression `match (x) { y ==> 1; z ==> { return; }; }`
- Typed creators `<T>[x, y]`, `<TK, TV>{x: y}`, `<T>x..y`
- Tuples get specific types right away `(1, ) is tuple<i64>`
- Array creator `-[x, y]`, `<T>-[x, y]`
- Non-conflict null-conditionals: `x?()` => `x.?()`, `x?[]` => `x.?[]`
- Operator is with assign `a is i64 b`
- Dot notation `d.x = y` for dictionaries`
- private context
- Getting ConstructorInfo with `@T::new(...)`
- Removed `switch` statement
- Supporting unicode names
- `continue;` is working correctly now (#112)
- fixed re-calling functions with `new T`, `as T`, etc.; (#113)
- fixed names starting with special names (#114)
- fixed negative numeric literals (#118)
- fixed unexpected symbols in using (#119)
0.6.0 Functionalization Update
REPL 1.2.0
- Running files
- Collapsing of aliases
For LANG 0.3.0+:
- Fixed context output recursion
in lists, tuples and dictionaries
- Fixed nulls output
SLThree 0.6.0 Functionalization Update
- Pipe operator `x |> y()`
- try-catch-finally statement, throw statement
- Null conditional operators `x?.y`, `x?[y]`, `x?()`
- Null coalescing operator `a ?? b`
- Safe expression `err -? a`
- Range expression `x..y`
- New choosers syntax `^x..y`, `*[x, y]`
- Array constructor `new T[size]`
- Last `,` ignoring in creators `[1, ]`, `(1, )`
- Similarity of new context and context statement
- Typing refactoring (similar `T`s in `new T`, `as T`, `is T`, etc.)
- Foreach expression now supports `x[y]`, `(x, y)`, `x.y`
- Indexators for context `self["varname"]`, IEnumerable implementation
- `upper`->`super`, new special context `upper` (previous context)
- single statements `if/while/etc. (...) statement;` (including else if)
- Returning contextes and tuples from methods now works
- Fixed lazy of ternary operator
- Fixed raws of string and char
- Fixed `x.y(a, b)(c, d)` case where x is class access
0.5.2 Patch
- Correct behaviour of comments
- x as typeof(T), x as @T
0.5.1 Patch
- Now reflection expression works correctly with using names
0.5.0 No Native November
SLThree 0.5.0 No Native November
- reflection expression (@)
- generics in typeof and using
- is operator (type checking), ?= operator (naming by right)
- power up of invokation (() => 2)()
- Tuple assign, Tuple -> ValueTuple
- linq without context.unwrap()
- unwrapping context with as
- Changed priorities of as, \ and new context
- x1.5 speed up of type cast
- Script Layout with assemblies referencing
0.4.0 Armavir update
REPL 1.1.0
For LANG 0.4.0+:
- REPL classes (sys.*) available for using <class>;
- global aren't contained console method, use `using console;`
- Contextes don't outputs in locals
For LANG 0.3.0+:
- Detailed displaying: array, lists, tuples and dictionaries
SLThree 0.4.0 Armavir update
- Creating own contextes
- Operator \ (random choose, including with chances)
- used types in type cast
- Commentaries is working now
- Supporting recursive methods, naming and cloning methods by assign
- `self` is wrapped context now
- sys.linq (sys.* classes) class instead `linq` keywords
- fixed lazy of && and ||
- Octal num literals
- Added NonGenericWrapper
0.3.0 Third time is lucky
SLThree 0.3.0 Third time is lucky
- Foreach cycle
- linq context (linq.range, linq.max etc.)
- list, tuples and dictionary initializers
- Indexators
- Logical operators (&&, ||) and binary bit operators (&, |, ^)
- Ternary operator
- Hexadecimal and binary literals, suppoting _ in nums
- Wrapping classes in context, wrapping static members and classes
- Safe unwrapping
- >40% (collatz_conjecture 14 s => 8 s)