Burada geçmiş yıllarda MS-DOS için yaptığım bazı çalışmaları bulacaksınız. Burası benim işlerimin bir nevi müzesidir.
Here you will find some of my work from the past years, made for MS-DOS. This is a kind of museum of my work.
Hakan Emre KARTAL tarafından İskenderun/HATAY'da 18/07/1998 tarihinde yazıldı,
Borland Turbo C 3.0 ile derlendi.
İSTANBUL-CCC boot sektör virüsünü diskten temizler.
Eğer virüs bellekte aktifse önce pasifleştirir.
Not: MS-DOS işletim sistemlerinin yerini MS-Windows aldığından beri, önyükleme sektörü
virüsleri de işlevini kaybetmiştir. Buradaki kodlar bilgilendirme amaçlı paylaşılmaktadır.
Eğer yine de kullanmak isterseniz tüm sorumluluk size aittir.
Written by Hakan Emre KARTAL in Iskenderun/HATAY on 18/07/1998,
Compiled using Borland Turbo C 3.0.
It cleans the ISTANBUL-CCC boot sector virus from the disk.
If the virus is active in memory, it first passive it.
Note: Since MS-DOS operatin system were replaced by MS-Windows, boot sector viruses
have also lost their function. The codes here are shared for informational purposes.
If you still want to use it, all responsibility lies with you.
Hakan Emre KARTAL tarafından İskenderun/HATAY'da 19/10/1998 tarihinde yazıldı.
Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 ile derlendi.
TPVO.3783 dosya virüsünü belirtilen sürücüdeki tüm dizin ve alt
dizinlerde arar. Bulduğu virüslü dosyaları temizler. Eğer virüs
bellekte aktif ise kullanıcıyı uyarır ve işlemi durdurur.
Not: MS-DOS işletim sistemlerinin yerini MS-Windows aldığından beri, MS-DOS dosya
virüsleri de işlevini kaybetmiştir. Buradaki kodlar bilgilendirme amaçlı paylaşılmaktadır.
Eğer yine de kullanmak isterseniz tüm sorumluluk size aittir.
Written by Hakan Emre KARTAL in Iskenderun/HATAY on 19/10/1998.
Compiled using Borand Turbo Pascal 6.0.
It searches for the TPVO.3873 file virus in all directories and
subdirectories on the target drive. It cleans the infected files
it finds. If the virus is active in memory, it warns the user and
stops the process.
Note: Since MS-DOS operating system were replaced MS-Windows, MS-DOS file viruses
have also lost their function. The codes here are shared for informational purposes.
If you still want to use it, all responsibility lies with you.
Version 1.0, 18-02-1998 Copyright 1998 by Hakan Emre Kartal. All Rights Reserved. https://github.com/AInteligent, hek@nula.com.tr
This simple program; has been written to explain how the DOS constructs the file functions and to give and idea for how to get these functions under control. Here, I have added my code only a few names, but it may be increased according to the request. It is up to your talent and knowledge. Now, let me give some instructions about these file functions briefly:
AH = 3Ch
CX = File attributes
DS:DX = ASCIIZ file name.
If there is an error CF=1 and AX=error no, else CF=0 and
AX=file handle.
AH = 3Dh
AL = Open mode
DS:DX = ASCIIZ file name.
If there is an error CF=1 and AX=error no, else CF=0 and
AX=file handle.
AH = 3Eh
BX = File handle
If there is an error CF=1 and AX=error code.
AH = 3Fh
BX = File handle
CX = Length
DS:DX = Buffer
If there is an error CF=1 and AX=error code else
CF=0 and AX=Length
AH = 40h
BX = File handle
CX = Length
DS:DX = Buffer
If there is an error CF=1 and AX=error code else
CF=0 and AX=Length
If you pay attention, it will be seen that all are directed by a "File handle". Well, we will form our program on this. Now, let me explain how I construct it briefly:
Attrib dw 0 #2
Mode db 0 #3
TotalRead dd 0 #4
TotalWrite dd 0 #5
MAX_NAME = 100
Name db MAX_NAME dup (0), 0 #6
#1. Handle: This is the number of the file which the functions will be constructed on. When you examine the source code, you will see that "Handle" is work up if it is over cartain value. The reason of that is, DOS hides the values which are inferior of the _INVALID_HANDLE values for some devices. For example; 0=CON represents the standart output device.
#2. Attrib: Characteristics of the created file. (Look: 3Ch)
#3. Mode: Manipulated characteristics of the opened file. (Look: 3Dh)
#4. TotalRead: Keeps the total knowledge which is read over the file. I think this is more appropriate. (Look: 3Fh)
#5. TotalWrite: Keeps the total knowledge written on the file.
I think this is more appropriate. (Look: 40h)
Well I keep the file informations for using them afterwards by a structure like this.
Now, let me tell you how I direct an information chain that is defined under this type structure.
_Find(@@Handle): Finds any knowledge inside the FILE_DATA typed information chain. If it finds CF=0 holds DX=Sequence number and DI=Offset address.
_Add(@@Handle, @@NamePtr, @@Attrib, @@Mode): Makes an addion to the FILE_DATA typed information chain. If it is successful CF becomes CF=0 and DI holds the offset address (DI=offset address).
_Remove(@@Handle): Removes any knowledge from the FILE_DATA typed information chain.
_NullData( ): It unloads the FILE_DATA typed information chain and gets them to their first values.
Because of the codes are easy, I think it is unnecessary to tell the other lower programs. Now, let's see how I have done the function control:
Func db ? #1
Filter dw ? #2
Message dw ? #3
#1. Func: Holds the code of the function which will be controlled.
#2. Filter: Well, this holds the offset address of the lower program which will be making the control. By this way if that function is called, we can control it by calling with an easy CALL. This provides us security, simplicty and it allows us to increase the development of our code.
#3. Message: Holds the offset address of the message which is used to give information about the function.
This code is codified by no errors to the utmost.
If you wish to ask question, to inform about the errors or to express your ideas about this code;
Please send me E-Mail.
Good luck...
The copyright holder offers no warranty with this code whatsoever,
including its fitness for any particular purpose. Neither shall be liable
for damages of any kind that may arise from its use.
If you consider using all or parts of this code in your own
product, you may get permission from the author.
NOT: If an error occours, change the GEN_TIME value. If the error
continues, please fill and send the error declaration form to me.
HEK DiZiN AGAC, uyarlama 1.0,1996
Hakan Emre KARTAL, Iskenderun/HATAY,23/11/1996
Not: Kişisel bilgilerin bazıları güncel halleriyle değiştirildi ya da silindi.
Bu program belirtilen dizin ve alt dizinlerin haritasını bağlantı ağacı şeklinde görüntüler.
Note: Some of the personal information has been changed to its current form or deleted.
This program scans specified folders and subfolders, allowing the link to be visualized as a tree.
Hakan Emre KARTAL tarafından İskenderun/HATAY'da 25/07/2000 tarihinde yazıldı,
Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 ile derlendi.
Bu yardımcı araç; geliştirdiğiniz programlarınızın izinsiz kopyalanmasını
önleyen ve şifre ile kullanılmasını sağlayan YAZILIM KORUYUCU eklentisini,
belirlediğiniz çalışabilir (EXE,COM) dosyalara kolayca eklemenizi sağlar.
Not: Bahsedilen YAZILIM KORUYUCU eklentisi, MS-DOS işletim sistemi için
geliştirilen programları korumaktadır. YAZILIM KORUYUCU, daha sonraki
yıllarda MS-Windows 32bit ve 64bit işletim sistemleri için uyarlanmış
ve halen kullanılabilir durumdadır. Bu sebeple bu kodlardan kasten
Written by Hakan Emre KARTAL in Iskenderun/HATAY on 25/07/2000,
Compiled using Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0
This helpful tool; It allows easily added the YAZILIM KORUYUCU plug-in,
which prevents your developed programs from being copied without permission
and allows them to be used with a password, to the executable (EXE,COM) files
you specify.
Note: YAZILIM KORUYUCU plug-in in question protects programs developed by
MS-DOS operating system. YAZILIM KORUYUCU was adapted for MS-Windows 32bit
and 64bit operating systems in later years and is still available. For this
reason, it was deliberately omitted from these codes.
Hakan Emre KARTAL tarafından İskenderun/HATAY'da 21/10/1998 tarihinde yazıldı,
Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 ile derlendi.
##EN Written by Hakan Emre KARTAL in Iskenderun/HATAY on 21/10/1998, Compiled using Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0
Hakan Emre KARTAL tarafından İskenderun/HATAY'da 04/05/1999 tarihinde yazıldı,
Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 ile derlendi.
Written by Hakan Emre KARTAL in Iskenderun/HATAY on 04/05/1999,
Compiled using Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0
Hakan Emre KARTAL hek@nula.com.tr