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SQLAlchemy filter converter


For what?

I made this package to use filters from query parameters in my applications.


To install the package you need you run the following commands.

For pip:

pip install "sqlalchemy_filter_converter"

For poetry:

poetry add sqlalchemy_filter_converter

For PDM:

pdm add sqlalchemy_filter_converter

Filter Types

Converters for SQLAlchemy filters. Now available 3 converters:

  1. Simple filter converter (key-value with equals operator).
  2. Advanced filter converter (key-value with custom operators).
  3. Django filter converter (Django filters adapter with double underscore lookups).

Filters must be provided in a dict or list or dicts and will be applied sequentially.

Simple filters

Simple filters are simle. There are key - value dicts, which converts to SQLAlchemy filters with == operator.

You can use one dict with all filters, or list of dicts. There is no difference.

from sqlalchemy_filter_converter import SimpleFilterConverter

filter_spec = [
    {'field_name_1': 123, 'field_name_2': 'value'},
    {'other_name_1': 'other_value', 'other_name_2': 123},
    # ...

No other specific usages presents. it is simple.

Advanced filters

Advanced filters continues the idea of simple-filter, but add operator key.

    "field": "my_field",
    "value": 25,
    "operator": ">",


        "field": "my_id_field",
        "value": [1,2,3,4,5],
        "operator": "contains",
        "field": "my_bool_field",
        "value": False,
        "operator": "is_not",

This is the list of operators that can be used:

  • =
  • >
  • <
  • >'
  • <=
  • is
  • is_not
  • between
  • contains

Django filters

Django filters implements django ORM adapter for filters. You can use filters like my_field__iexact=25 or, 3, 12). See django documentation for more information.

Now implements all field filters, except nester relationships.

This is the list of operators that can be used:

  • exact
  • iexact
  • contains
  • icontains
  • in
  • gt
  • gte
  • lt
  • lte
  • startswith
  • istartswith
  • endswith
  • iendswith
  • range
  • date
  • year
  • iso_year
  • month
  • day
  • week
  • week_day
  • iso_week_day
  • quarter
  • time
  • hour
  • minute
  • second
  • isnull
  • regex
  • iregex


SQLAlchemy filter converters







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