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Felix Paez EA4GQS edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 5 revisions


EA4GQS Current tasks:

  • Inserting into the beacon message the variable values for temperature, voltage and currents -> Now, for testing, the message is a fixed string "EASAT2 25 12 010 015". I have to replace the fixed values for the ones returned by functions.
  • Numeric values of temperature, voltage and currents will be represented by "T,A,U,V,4,5,6,B,D,N" as suggested by Daniel, so the message can be shorter. I have to make the translation function.
  • After the two previous tasks are done I will try to read voltage value and currents values by using an internal ADC.
  • Finally I will try to get the temperature using the digital thermometer DS18B20.
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