const anas = {
currentFocus: "AWS & Web3 Development",
learning: ["Solidity", "Ethereum", "AWS", "Cloud Architecture"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: ["React", "Next.js", "TypeScript", "Chakra UI"],
backEnd: ["Node.js", "Express", "FastAPI", "Django"],
blockchain: ["Solidity", "Web3.js", "Ethereum"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "PostgreSQL", "Redis"],
devOps: ["Docker", "Kubernetes", "AWS", "GCP"],
currentChallenge: "Building innovative DApps while mastering cloud architecture",
funFact: "I've solved over 800+ algorithmic problems across coding platforms! 🧠"
- 🔭 Exploring the depths of Web3 and Blockchain Development
- 🌱 Building DApps and Smart Contracts
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on innovative open-source projects
- 💡 Mentoring and sharing knowledge in Full Stack Development