A tool for auto assigning username/usernames
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A tool that use instagram account sessions to login and check for the desired usernames as a txt file, once one of them is available it will replace it with one of the accounts' username used in the txt file -need proxies to avoid being spam-block-
- usernames txt file, contains the targeted usernames list, seperated by lines
- sessions id txt file, seperated by lines
- proxies txt file, seperated by lines -HTTP/S only
installed Go 1.17
you can install it from here (https://go.dev/dl/)
Create 3 txt files called
- list.txt
- proxy.txt
- session.txt
fill each txt file
then start the tool by opening the cmd on the file location then typing
Go run *tool_name.go
choose the thread you want and you are all set !.
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Yousef Almutairi - @L0n3lyCoding
Project Link: https://github.com/code-l0n3ly/instagram-auto-claimer