A generic probe to check service status. The probe calls contacts the endpoint and infers from the response if the service is up and running.
The probe takes four arguments: timeout
, url
, key
and value
. Timeout and service URL must be defined, for key and value there are default values if they are not defined.
# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/argo-servicestatus/check_status.py -h
usage: check_status.py -t TIMEOUT -u URL [-k KEY] [-v VALUE] [-h]
ARGO probe that checks service status.
required arguments:
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
-u URL, --url URL service url
optional arguments:
-k KEY, --key KEY key to check in the service response
-v VALUE, --value VALUE
value of the key necessary for the probe to return OK
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The probe is checking the response of service API endpoint, and checks for given key and value. If they are as expected, the probe returns OK, if not, it raises alert.
Example execution of check_status.py
# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/argo-servicestatus/check_status.py -t 30 -u https://wiki.eoscfuture.eu/status
OK - Service available|time=0.076267s;size=19B