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The package contains probe to handle OIDC tokens. There are two probes:

  • fetch-access-token
  • check-refresh-token-expiration

fetch-access-token probe is used for fetching of OIDC access token. check-refresh-token-expiration probe is used to check the validity of refresh token needed for fetching the access token.



The probe fetch-access-token has several arguments. <CLIENT_ID>, <CLIENT_SECRET>, and <REFRESH_TOKEN> arguments are mandatory, and the rest have default values (which can be overridden).

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/oidc/fetch-access-token --help
usage: fetch-access-token [-h] [-u URL] --client_id CLIENT_ID --client_secret
                          CLIENT_SECRET --refresh_token REFRESH_TOKEN
                          [--token_file TOKEN_FILE] [-U USER] [-t TIMEOUT]

ARGO probe for fetching OIDC tokens.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     URL from which the token is fetched (default:
  --client_id CLIENT_ID
                        identifier of client
  --client_secret CLIENT_SECRET
                        secret value of client
  --refresh_token REFRESH_TOKEN
                        refresh token
  --token_file TOKEN_FILE
                        file for storing obtained token (default:
  -U USER, --user USER  username of user executing the probe (default: nagios)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        timeout in seconds (default: 60)

Example execution of the probe:

/usr/libexec/argo/probes/oidc/fetch-access-token -u --client_id <client_id> --client_secret <client_secret> --refresh_token <refresh_token> --token_file /path/to/oidc_token_file -t 60
OK - Access token fetched successfully.


The probe check-refresh-token-expiration has two arguments.

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/oidc/check-refresh-token-expiration --help
usage: check-refresh-token-expiration [-h] --token TOKEN [-t TIMEOUT]

ARGO probe for checking refresh token expiration

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --token TOKEN         Refresh token
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT

Example execution of the probe:

# /usr/libexec/argo/probes/oidc/check-refresh-token-expiration --token <refresh_token> -t 30
OK - Refresh token valid.