app-manager is a BASH Script to handle Android Application from the fancy of your terminal screen, i got the idea of it when i wanted to disable some non uninstallable bloatware so i had to take the help of ADB and it worked great and now i'm shraing this to all.
1. Get Device Detail
2. Uninstall Application
3. Install Application 'apk'
4. Disable Application
5. Enable Application
6. List Applications (Multiple)
6.1. List All Application
6.2. List Enabled Application
6.3. List Disabled Application
6.4. List System Application
6.5. List Third Party Application
- Install
for your distro
Generally adb
comes bundled with package android-tools
Arch linux and Arch based distro (AUR)
- yay -S app-manager
Normal Installation
foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ cd app-manager
foo@bar:~$ chmod +x app-manager
#Go to the directory where you cloned the app-manager repo
foo@bar:~$ ./app-manager
#or you can do
foo@bar:~$ bash app-manager
-s, --serial <Serial No.> Pass the serial number of device.
-h, --help Print the Help message.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
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