Basics of UDP Attacks with Sockets, Use for educational purposes only.

If you want to use an executable file, go to the Releases
tab. or click here
You can use the script in derdos_builder/build_mac/
(Make sure you are running the script within derdos_builder/build_mac/
- Pyinstaller (Python 3 required)
- Install with
pip3 install pyinstaller
- Install with
- PyQt5 (Python 3 required)
- Install with
pip3 install pyqt5
- Install with
- appdmg (NodeJs required)
- Install with
sudo npm install appdmg -g
- Install with
You can use the script in derdos_builder/build_mac/
(Make sure you are running the script within derdos_builder/build_windows/
- PyQt5 (Python 3 required)
- Install with
pip install pyqt5
- Install with
- Nuitka (Python 3 required)
- Install with
pip install Nuitka
- Install with
This section was tested on Windows 11
pip install PyQt5
in Command Prompt
or PowerShell
to install the library that needed to show the GUI
(If you got '...
' is not recognized as an internal or external command. It means that ...
program is not in your environment PATH)
Then run
Check-in Task Manager > Performance > Ethernet
If the speed of Send
is increased, it means it can attack.
But you need to make sure the target doesn't have a firewall on.
Just use ping <target_ip>
in command prompt
(e.g. ping
to check if is online or not)
If the packet loss is 100%, the target has a firewall on and you can't attack. or even join the game server
You can use the target IP in Hamachi to attack game servers such as Minecraft.