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Common Errors Encountered

Suryansh Agarwal edited this page Oct 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

Errors during repo running

Connection Refused in Cheese

  1. First check the where the camera is mounted: cd /dev/vi<TAB>,
  2. Change the permissions by: sudo chmod 777 /dev/vi<TAB>

During GUI running

  1. Make sure that the python code is indented properly.
  2. Source your catkin workspace.

During camera running

  1. If the camera is not running inspite of correct node then its user permissions should be changed.
  2. For identifying the port, connect only one camera at a time for identifying the port, run the command $ls /dev/video*.
  3. After obtaining the port of camera, run the commands $sudo chmod 777 /dev/<---camera port---> and $sudo chown auviitk:auviitk /dev/<---camera port--->.

ZSH corrupt file

  1. Run the commands $mv .zsh_history .zsh_history_bad then $strings .zsh_history_bad > .zsh_history and $fc -R .zsh_history.

Error related to segmentation fault

In computing, a segmentation fault (often shortened to segfault) or access violation is a fault, or failure condition, raised by hardware with memory protection, notifying an operating system (OS), that the software has attempted to access a restricted area of memory (a memory access violation).

  1. One way is to print something after every code block where there is a possibility of error.By doing this, one can know after which code block there is problem and then resolve it.

    NOTE: A precaution that one should take is that one must not do anything with the subscribed image from the topic with the command newframe = cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, "bgr8")->image in any task_handler node, because anything changed to it will also change the raw ros image which we are getting from the topic ,which results into a segmentation fault.