The much improved version of zinemachine 1.0! Improvements include:
- Being much faster!
- No more buggy html!
- Better organized!
- Unified template scheme!
- Fewer dependancies!
However it's still rough around the edges, especially in documentation. I've tried my best to make the code clean and interpretable if you are a nerd. But i'm still struggling to reach my intended audiance of dweebs. Sorry....
Also theres one really big feature I havent made yet: signature logic. Books are printed in signatures. The math behind how you have to print these is intuitive but complicated. I want to encorperate the logic of it into a module so that artists can fully explore the possibilities of domestic printers. I have the math behind it worked out on a notebook page, I just need a long weekend to program it out. Like once do that work have the computer handle the logic for letter folio (semiletter booklet), extending to quarto is easy! And from there the possibilities really expand: doing it in 6ths, doing it in 3rds and using a stab binding
Also a gui would probobly help a lot of people.... I've never really coded a gui before so I'd have to teach myself a lot of stuff.
- Clone the repo locally.
- Install pypdf (python module).
- Install pdftk.
- Good to go!
- Put 8 jpgs that are 2.25x4.75in in inpagelets dir.
- python
- accordian stlye print file will be made at PRINT.pdf (it will overwrite previous files).
- vim :^)
- Go to line 15.
- Change which template is being used. (see template dir for examples)
- Repeate basic usage.
So I haven't specifically prioritized this, and also I don't have the hardware to test it. Also I have a supiriory complex because I use linux. My software is FREE as in FREEEDOMEME!11!!!!
I think this will all run on mac except for the bash scripts? Idk I've never tried doing anything technical on a mac because Steve Jobs daddy doesn't want me too.
Running this native on windows, i think the same thing. I think the pdf tools are cross platform so in theory it might run. IMO tho ur probobly better off using a linux subsystem (or getting of your cringe ass os and install linux for real >:3)
Best place is to reach out to me via email. I'm very friendly, just also very busy.
Debug mode disables clearing the cache so the files can be examined.