TAPro v1.2 Release Notes
TAPro is a a Contact Book application that is made for Computer Science Tutors for managing their students contact and performance details.
TAPro is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
If you can type fast, TAPro can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.
Summary of commands available in this release:
New Changes
New Commands
- Mark: Allows you to mark your students attendance

- Unmark: Allows you to mark your students attendance

- Set Course: Allows you to set course name, ensuring that the course name appears as the main window title
New field on Person class
New Model
- Course
- Week Number
UI Changes
Each student card now shows their weekly attendance (as shown in screenshots above)
Course name appears as window title, once set (as shown in screenshots above)
Help Window contains message usages for certain commands:

New Storage Files
- JsonAdaptedCourse
- CourseStorageName
- JsonCourseNameStorage
- JsonSerializableCourseName
Modified Commands
add -> addstu
Example: addstu n/John Doe nn/e0123456 p/98765432 e/johndoe@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 t/friends t/owesMoney
Only name and nusnet is compulsory
delete -> delstu
Example: delstu e0123456
Instead of deleting by index of student shown in UI, delstu deletes the student with an nusnet argument.
API Changes (For Developers)
New Command Utility Classes
- CommandMessageUsageUtil
- DefinedParameter
- Parameter
- ParameterSyntax
New Storage Files
- JsonAdaptedCourse
- CourseStorageName
- JsonCourseNameStorage
- JsonSerializableCourseName
New Interface
- CourseName
- ReadOnlyCourseName