Plug and Play Library for Wallet Connect V2 SwiftUI
import WalletConnectV2Swift
Add Packages to your SwiftUI:
Create an Instance:
@StateObject var walletConnect = WalletConnectView(
projectId: "1234123123",
name: "App",
description: "WalletConnect to App",
url: "",
icons: [""],
supportedChainIds: [
"eip155": ProposalNamespace(
chains: [
methods: [
], events: []
Call to get all Wallets Listing:
Button {
} label: {
Text("Connect To Wallet")
Additional Call to connect to Sequence Wallet:
Button {
} label: {
Text("Connect To Wallet")
Get Your Required Wallet Address:
.onChange(of: walletConnect.account, perform: { accounts in
print("Wallet Address: ", accounts.first?.address ?? "")
Get Rejected Reason:
.onChange(of: walletConnect.rejectedReason, perform: { reason in
print("Wallet Connection Error", reason)