To play the game:
Download/Clone this repository and save the folder at recognised place in your system. let's suppose that folder is saved in as Documents/game directory
Launch a local Server If you have Node, simply type the following in the command line
npm -g install http-server cd Documents/game http-server
If you have Python, type the following in the command line
cd Documents/game python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Note : For some users, this may not work. For those who have python, and running the above command shows the error "No such module found" use the following:
python2.7 -m SimpleHTTPServer
The above step will display a PORTNUMBER where the system has set up a local server. In the browser, go to the URL : localhost:PORTNUMBER. For example, if your port has been setup at port 8000, go to localhost:8000 in your browser.
NOTE : It has also came in observation that simply opening the index.html file does it in certain configurations. You may first like to try that before following above procedure.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ENJOY THE GAME !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------