Amazing code is a tool to color and style your code to use in in your blog/email/homework
- open
- Paste your code in the text area
- Choose the language, the theme, and set other options if needed
- The tool will do its magic and show you the styled code
- Click Copy HTML button to use it in your blog/email/homework or any texteditor
- Click on Copy RichText to use it for Word documents like MS Word or Google Docs
Note: to use in Moodle without problems you should set the Header/Footer to No
- Java
- Python
- C
- JavaScript
- CSharp
- GO
- Haskell
- CoffeeScript
- D
- Generic
- R
- Ruby
- Scheme
- Shell
- Smalltalk
- You can add more languages in js/language or add more detectors for styling in already made langauge.
- You can add more themes in /js/themes.js. Follow the instructions in there.
- We used as a starting point in our project
- We used HTML, CSS, vanilla JS
- some code are in Jquery for now but that will change in the future
- Just open an issue and we will take a look and fix it