This project is part of the Udacity FullStack JavaScript nanodegree. The code was given as a starter project and the task was to employ and adapt the code to get it working and hosted on AWS
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Navigate to repository directory
$ cd Udagram-app-deploy
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Navigate to udagram-api folder
$ cd udagram/udagram-api
- Create
POSTGRES_USERNAME = "abdelrahmantolba"
POSTGRES_PASSWORD= "password123"
POSTGRES_DB= "udagram"
URL= "http://localhost:8080"
Create user and database has same name from env file
build project
$ npm run build
- run server project
$ npm run dev
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- build project
$ npm run build
- run server project
$ npm run start
AWS services needed for running the application:
- RDS - In AWS, provision a publicly available RDS database running Postgres
- S3 - In AWS, provision a s3 bucket for hosting the uploaded files.
- EB - Container for services