A simple project shows how to build a simple chat using gifted-chat lib and firebase as a backend
git clone git@github.com:AbdullahDahmash/React-Native-GiftedChat-firebase.git
cd React-Native-GiftedChat-firebase
npm install # use npm version 3 and you can use yarn
create secrets.json file in the root with the following data (you can obtain it from your firebase console)
"apiKey": "/* secret */",
"authDomain": "/* secret */",
"databaseURL": "/* secret */",
"storageBucket": "/* secret */",
react-native run-ios # if you don't have, run npm install -g react-native-cli
Thanks to @FaridSafi for his video which helped me building this project link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTnFDc3IFag