This project is a web automation project where a product on the Ticimax E-Commerce page is selected and ordered.
- Designed using layered architecture.
- It can be automated by adding a mobile test case layer to the project
- Written in C#.
- Written with the latest C# framework core 5.0.
- Built on Nunit architecture.
- Url:
- Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk library is used for the host.
- Tests are run with the Nunit3TestAdapter structure.
- By establishing a parallel test structure, multiple browsers and tests can be run simultaneously.
- Continuous testing can be done by moving to the cloud.
- Selenium Web driver and ChromeWebDriver libraries are used
- Exception and actual result can be added to Assertion
- It is established with an improved Class structure.
- Go to the Site
- Select the product on the Abide page
- Select the color and size and add the product to the cart.
- Complete the order on the My Cart page.
- Log in. (If there is no registered user, become a member)
- If there is no address, add the address, if there is, complete the order.
- Select payment at the door and complete the order.
- Preliminary information form is approved
- The order is completed and the order number is seen.