- Users can create account and login
- The only way the user can message have to know the receiver user name.
- Users can access their chat history.
- Users can block each other
- All errors must be stored and dont send critical error messages on client side
- Dockerize and scalability
- Unit Test Coverage
POST api/v1/register
POST api/v1/login
In order to request as you predict, you have to put token.
Authorization: Bearer eydsad.....
GET api/v1/mutateUser/:mutateUserId
GET api/v1/users
GET api/v1/messagesWith/:userName
POST api/v1/sendMessage/:userName
Build and up with docker-compose
$ docker-compose up --build
Build development mode
$ go run --tags dev main.go
Example Request URL's
You must add :8080 if you are development mode.
As default application runs 3 instance. You can easly edit docker-compose.yml
replicas: 3
$ go test --tags dev --cover ./...