This is a social app to chat with friends. On this you can send friend request to each other and share posts.
As a guest:
- I want to be able to create account/log in.
- I can see only “Sign in” and “Sign out” page.
As a user:
- I want to be able to see all users list.
- I want to be able to see selected user page with their user name and all posts written by them (the most recent posts on the top).
- I want to be able to send a friendship invitation.
- I want to see a button “Invite to friendship” next to the name of user who is not my friend yet - on both users’ list and single user page.
- I want to be able to see pending friendship invitations sent to me from other users.
- I want to be able to accept or reject friendships invitation.
- I want to be able to create new posts (text only).
- I want to be able to like/dislike posts (but I can like single post only once).
- I want to be able to add comments to posts.
- I want to be able to see “Timeline” page with posts (with number of likes and comments) written by me and all my friends (the most recent posts on the top).
- Timeline page should be the root page of the app.
- Node
- Rails
- Yarn
- Git
- Node
- Click on the
green button - By the right end of the read-only input containing the repository link click the clipboard icon to copy the link
- In your local PC, open your terminal in the folder you would like to clone the repository into
- Clone the repository with the command:
git clone (copied link)
; like so:git clone
- After the clone, type in the command
cd ror-socail-scaffold
to access the directory on the terminal - Then run
bundle update
to update gem file - And type
bundle install
to load all gems in this folder. - After run
rails db:migrate
for migration. - Type
rails s
on the terminal, and typelocalhost:3000
on your browser. - And then you can Sign In.
- Ruby: 2.7.0
- Rails: 5.2.3
- Postgres: >=9.5
- cd into ror-social-scaffold
- type
bundle exec rspec
👩🏻💼 Zulfizar Abdumurodova
- GitHub: Abdumurodova Zulfizar
- Twitter: Abdumurodova Zulfizar
- LinkedIn: Abdumurodova Zulfizar
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse for international opportunities.
- Special thanks to all code reviewers.
- AppAcademy and FreeCodeCamp for their open source
Copyright 2021 Zulfizar Abdumurodova
- MIT for this project.