A mobile application that streamlines the need to save and calculate the shortest route to your favorite places.
- Integration of Google Maps API
- Finding shortest path between two locations
- Calculating address given the latitude and longitude
- Checking-In to a location
- Saving your current location
- Saving a location from the google maps activity
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Android Studios
- Open the terminal on Mac or Bash on Windows
- CD to the desired directory
- Give the following commands to initialize a git repository and clone the project
git init .
git clone https://github.com/AbelWeldaregay/Localization-Android.git
- CD to the project directory cloned from the step above
- Give the following command to open the project using android studios which will automatically build the project
open -a /Applications/Android\ Studio.app ~/my_android_project
- Google Maps - Android - Google Maps API for Android used
- Gradle - Build and Dependency Management
- Gitlab CI - Gitlab CI for continous Integration
- Abel Weldaregay
- abelweldaregay@gmail.com