A simple Application for ESP8266-12E Node MCU to get Weather from OpenWeather API And Show it to the SSD1306 (OLED 128x64).
NOTE: Consider Doing These Changes First in the ESP_Weather_OLED_main.cpp File.
Change the Values Of These MACROS before Building the Project. - CITY (Name of the City You Want Weather Data of) - API_KEY (API key of the OpenWeather API Or You can Add Your Own API) - SSID (SSID Of the Router Or The Wifi Name of Your Hotspot) - PASS (Password of the Wifi Router Or Hotspot)
Search For @Abhi0803_DataStructure in the File And Do these Changes. - You Will Find that the Strucutre is made specifically for OpenWeather API Only. - You can Chnage It On Your Own but if you want Assistance Go to This Link and Paste the Ouput of your API Once to Generate the Structure - Also Change the Buffer Size in the "capacity" Variable. Link - https://arduinojson.org/v6/assistant/