a Flash Card application which has a proper login system and dashboard where users can view and create decks which can be later viewed by them. Users can have multiple decks. It also has a database with proper schema to store the data of cards and users. Allowing users to have different options to rate the difficulty of different cards. Deck management should include creating , editing and removing a deck.
Git fork this repo
go to the forked repo and either download as zip or copy the link and go to the terminal and clone the project.
git clone https://github.com/Abhijit25Mishra/Flash-Card.git
Make sure you have the required tect stack and the requirements(namely flask and sqlite3) satisfied. Project.db is already given but it might have some problem with authentication , so the create-db-table.py is given which will create new tables. Try this if the app doesnt work.
Run the
file. The setup is finshed. -
For contributors make the changes for features you want to add. then commit, finally push to the update branch.
😀😀 Keep Contributing.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Abhijit Mishra
Sophomore at IIIT Kottayam studying computer science. Know more about me at linkedin. Check out more projects at Github. If you have any questions or projects ideas to discuss with me , you can reach me at Twitter.