Starting 23/10/2023, I will be sharing everything in this repo about the journey of becoming a Software Development Engineer (SDE). Best bnn aur lele its waitin for ya.
2. Open_Source
3. DSA
5. Flutter
6. BackEnd
7. JavaScript
- 😯WHOLE CS DEGREE:: F**kin good and gracious this resource is really damn good.
- 💪Oye_Need_Java_0r_ANDROID_for_your_next_Intern_or_JOB?_I've_Got_Your_back_🤝: Amazing resource from Jetbrains itself - Learn basic Kotlin, Java, OOPs and Java for Developers and Android and hop on the back of Springboot and you'll ready build within 1month (Bss Dedication and calm mind chahiye).
- 🍃The_Odin_Project: Web dev for anyone (HTML,CSS,JS,React,NodeJS,Ruby,RubyOnRails,RDB(SQL) with hands on projects).
- 💪BOOT.DEV: Backend + DevOPS + CI/CD + Deployment (If you want to ship your products then try this).
- 💪 is a group of working web development professionals and open source contributors that provide you with concise, information dense video courses on the best tools in the industry.
- 💪CodeCrafter: This repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch. This is something advance stuff ( you need strong dev skills for these).
- 😯Cursor.AI:Cursor includes a powerful autocomplete that predicts your next edit. Once enabled, it is always on and will suggest edits to your code across multiple lines, taking into account your recent changes.
- 🙎♂️ This tool helps you create UI for your Apps and Web also ( Note: You have to precisely give a very good prompt defining the UI).
- 🧙♂️Story-Set: High quality with Hell-lot of customization which you can use in your UI of your next production grade Project.
- 🧙♂️ Rive: Animations for your next app project.
- 👔Tech Dev Guide: Resource for Preparing for Technical interviews at big tech.
- 😯Best Websites for every coder: Best websites a programmer should visit.
- 💫Product-hunt for finding new tools: For new tools and inspiration for your next project.
- 🛰️Free API's: You can see and write api for your own project by seeing tons of examples with full working demo
1. Michael_Page: Michael Page provides specialised recruitment services for professionals.
2. TeamLease