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Show how often abstractions are used in frozen devices
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TODO: show other dependencies too
  • Loading branch information
Mattijs Kneppers committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent c3467c0 commit 5fd5a8a
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Showing 6 changed files with 252 additions and 59 deletions.
25 changes: 21 additions & 4 deletions maxdiff/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from freezing_utils import *
from get_frozen_stats import get_frozen_stats
from get_frozen_stats import get_stats, get_used_abstractions

def print_frozen_device(data: bytes) -> str:
Expand All @@ -19,10 +19,27 @@ def print_frozen_device(data: bytes) -> str:

footer_entries = parse_footer(footer_data[8:])
device_entries = get_device_entries(data, footer_entries)
used_abstractions = get_used_abstractions(device_entries)

i = 0
for entry in device_entries:
if isinstance(entry["description"], str):
frozen_string += entry["description"] + "\n"
frozen_string += get_frozen_stats(device_entries)
description = entry["description"]
if isinstance(description, str):
file_name = str(entry["file_name"])
if i == 0:
frozen_string += f"{description} <= Device \n"
if file_name.endswith(".maxpat"):
if file_name in used_abstractions:
frozen_string += (
f"{description}, {used_abstractions[file_name]} instances\n"
frozen_string += f"{description}, UNUSED\n"
frozen_string += f"{description}\n"
i += 1
frozen_string += get_stats(device_entries)
return frozen_string

Expand Down
160 changes: 115 additions & 45 deletions maxdiff/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
import json
from freezing_utils import device_entry_with_data
from collections import Counter

def get_frozen_stats(entries: list[device_entry_with_data]):
class Processor:
def process_elements(self, patcher, voice_count: int, abstraction_name=""):
"""Processes patchers."""

def get_results(self):
"""Returns the current counts."""
return None

def get_stats(entries: list[device_entry_with_data]):
"""Returns statistics for this device"""

device = entries[0] # the first entry is always the device file
Expand All @@ -11,14 +21,16 @@ def get_frozen_stats(entries: list[device_entry_with_data]):
item for item in entries if str(item["file_name"]).endswith(".maxpat")

# cache names of known abstractions
abstraction_file_names = [str(item["file_name"]) for item in abstraction_entries]

device_patch = get_patcher_dict(device)
object_count_recursive, line_count_recursive = count(
device_patch, abstraction_entries, abstraction_file_names # do recurse into abstractions
count_processor = CountProcessor()
count_processor, # do recurse into abstractions

object_count_recursive, line_count_recursive = count_processor.get_results()

summary = "\n"
summary += "Total - Counting every abstraction instance - Indicates loading time\n"
summary += f" Object instances: {object_count_recursive}\n"
Expand All @@ -31,7 +43,10 @@ def get_frozen_stats(entries: list[device_entry_with_data]):

entry_patch = get_patcher_dict(entry)
o, l = count(entry_patch, [], []) # don't recurse into abstractions
count_processor = CountProcessor()
# don't recurse into abstractions
process_patch_recursive(entry_patch, [], count_processor)
o, l = count_processor.get_results()
object_count_once += o
line_count_once += l

Expand All @@ -42,65 +57,87 @@ def get_frozen_stats(entries: list[device_entry_with_data]):
return summary

def count(
patcher, abstractions: list[dict], abstraction_file_names: list[str]
) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Recursively counts all object instances and connections in this patcher,
inluding in every instance of its dependencies that can be found among the
files that were passed in"""
boxes = patcher["boxes"]
lines = patcher["lines"]
object_count = len(boxes)
line_count = len(lines)
def get_used_abstractions(entries: list[device_entry_with_data]) -> dict[str, int]:
device = entries[0] # the first entry is always the device file

for box_entry in boxes:
abstraction_entries = [
item for item in entries if str(item["file_name"]).endswith(".maxpat")

device_patch = get_patcher_dict(device)
abstractions_processor = AbstractionFileNamesProcessor()
process_patch_recursive(device_patch, abstraction_entries, abstractions_processor)
return abstractions_processor.get_results()

def process_patch_recursive(
abstraction_entries: list[dict],
processor: Processor,
voice_count: int = 1,
abstraction_file_name: str = "",
"""Recursively progress through subpatchers, invoking the processor for every patcher
Inluding every instance of the patch's dependencies that can be found among the
abstraction files that were passed in.
patcher: patcher to process
abstraction_entries: list of abstraction entries in frozen device
processor: instance of a Processor that is invoked for this patch
voice_count: the amount of voices when this patcher occurs in a poly~ in its parent patch
abstraction_file_name: the file name of the abstraction this patch is in, if it is in an abstraction
processor.process_elements(patcher, voice_count, abstraction_file_name)

for box_entry in patcher["boxes"]:
box = box_entry["box"]

if "patcher" in box:
if "patcher" in box and (
box.get("maxclass") != "bpatcher" or box.get("embed") == 1
patch = box["patcher"]
if box.get("maxclass") != "bpatcher" or (
box.get("maxclass") == "bpatcher" and box.get("embed") == 1
# get subpatcher or embedded bpatcher count
o, l = count(patch, abstractions, abstraction_file_names)
object_count += o
line_count += l

if len(abstraction_file_names) == 0:
return (object_count, line_count)

# recurse into abstractions
for box_entry in boxes:
box = box_entry["box"]
# get subpatcher or embedded bpatcher count
process_patch_recursive(patch, abstraction_entries, processor)

file_name = get_abstraction_name(box, abstraction_file_names)
# if no abstractions were passed in, we assume we don't want to recurse into abstarctions
if len(abstraction_entries) == 0:

# check for known abstraction
file_name = get_abstraction_name(box, abstraction_entries)
if file_name is None:

abstraction = [item for item in abstractions if item["file_name"] == file_name][0]
abstraction_patch = get_patcher_dict(abstraction)
o, l = count(abstraction_patch, abstractions, abstraction_file_names)
abstraction = [
item for item in abstraction_entries if item["file_name"] == file_name
patch = get_patcher_dict(abstraction)

voice_count = 1
if "text" in box and box["text"].startswith("poly~"):
# get poly abstraction count
tokens = box["text"].split(" ")
voice_count = int(tokens[2]) if len(tokens) > 2 else 1
object_count += o * voice_count
line_count += l * voice_count
# get abstraction count
object_count += o
line_count += l

return (object_count, line_count)

def get_abstraction_name(box, abstraction_file_names: list[str]):
def get_abstraction_name(box, abstraction_entries: list[dict]):
Checks if this box is an abstraction and if so, return the name of the abstraction file.
- returns None if this is not an abstraction
- throws error if an abstraction name was expected but it was not found in the list of known names
# cache names of known abstractions. TODO: find a way to do this more efficiently.
abstraction_file_names = [str(item["file_name"]) for item in abstraction_entries]

if "text" in box:
if box["text"].startswith("poly~"):
name = box["text"].split(" ")[1] + ".maxpat"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,3 +204,36 @@ def get_patcher_dict(entry: device_entry_with_data):
print(f"Content of entry {name} does not seem to be a patcher")
return {}

class CountProcessor(Processor):
def __init__(self):
self.object_count = 0
self.line_count = 0

def process_elements(self, patcher, voice_count: int, abstraction_name=""):
"""Counts objects and lines in the given patcher."""
self.object_count += len(patcher.get("boxes", [])) * voice_count
self.line_count += len(patcher.get("lines", [])) * voice_count

def get_results(self):
"""Returns the current counts."""
return self.object_count, self.line_count

# TODO: expend with dependencies that might be included in the frozen device, like pictures
class AbstractionFileNamesProcessor(Processor):
def __init__(self):
self.found_abstractions = {}

def process_elements(self, patcher, voice_count: int, abstraction_name=""):
"""If this patcher is an abstraction, i.e. when an abstraction_name is passed in, increment the entry in the dict"""
if abstraction_name != "":
if abstraction_name in self.found_abstractions:
self.found_abstractions[abstraction_name] += voice_count
self.found_abstractions[abstraction_name] = voice_count

def get_results(self):
"""Returns a dict of used abstractions mapped to how oftern they are used."""
return self.found_abstractions
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions maxdiff/tests/test_baselines/FrozenTest.amxd.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ MIDI Effect Device
Device is frozen
----- Contents -----
Test.amxd: 21093 bytes, modified at 2024/05/27 07:52:44 UTC
ParamAbstraction.maxpat: 1570 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC
MyAbstraction.maxpat: 1625 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC
AbstractionWithParameter.maxpat: 1569 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC
Test.amxd: 21093 bytes, modified at 2024/05/27 07:52:44 UTC <= Device
ParamAbstraction.maxpat: 1570 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC, 2 instances
MyAbstraction.maxpat: 1625 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC, 2 instances
AbstractionWithParameter.maxpat: 1569 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC, 2 instances
hz-icon.svg: 484 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC
beat-icon.svg: 533 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC
fpic.png: 7094 bytes, modified at 2024/05/24 13:59:36 UTC
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions maxdiff/tests/test_baselines/StatsTest.amxd.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ Audio Effect Device
Device is frozen
----- Contents -----
SummaryTest.amxd: 6376 bytes, modified at 2024/06/27 07:39:44 UTC
MyAbstraction.maxpat: 2015 bytes, modified at 2024/06/24 07:11:15 UTC
StatsTest.amxd: 9275 bytes, modified at 2024/09/10 07:31:52 UTC <= Device
MyAbstraction.maxpat: 2015 bytes, modified at 2024/06/24 07:11:15 UTC, 7 instances
UnusedAbstraction.maxpat: 2015 bytes, modified at 2024/09/09 08:40:24 UTC, UNUSED

Total - Counting every abstraction instance - Indicates loading time
Object instances: 27
Connections: 15
Object instances: 33
Connections: 17
Unique - Counting abstractions once - Indicates maintainability
Object instances: 12
Connections: 5
Object instances: 18
Connections: 7
Binary file modified maxdiff/tests/test_files/StatsTest.amxd
Binary file not shown.
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions maxdiff/tests/test_files/UnusedAbstraction.maxpat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
"patcher" : {
"fileversion" : 1,
"appversion" : {
"major" : 8,
"minor" : 6,
"revision" : 2,
"architecture" : "x64",
"modernui" : 1
"classnamespace" : "box",
"rect" : [ 312.0, 228.0, 221.0, 176.0 ],
"bglocked" : 0,
"openinpresentation" : 0,
"default_fontsize" : 12.0,
"default_fontface" : 0,
"default_fontname" : "Arial",
"gridonopen" : 1,
"gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ],
"gridsnaponopen" : 1,
"objectsnaponopen" : 1,
"statusbarvisible" : 2,
"toolbarvisible" : 1,
"lefttoolbarpinned" : 0,
"toptoolbarpinned" : 0,
"righttoolbarpinned" : 0,
"bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0,
"toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0,
"tallnewobj" : 0,
"boxanimatetime" : 200,
"enablehscroll" : 1,
"enablevscroll" : 1,
"devicewidth" : 0.0,
"description" : "",
"digest" : "",
"tags" : "",
"style" : "",
"subpatcher_template" : "",
"assistshowspatchername" : 0,
"boxes" : [ {
"box" : {
"id" : "obj-3",
"maxclass" : "button",
"numinlets" : 1,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "bang" ],
"parameter_enable" : 0,
"patching_rect" : [ 113.0, 60.0, 24.0, 24.0 ]

, {
"box" : {
"comment" : "",
"id" : "obj-2",
"index" : 1,
"maxclass" : "outlet",
"numinlets" : 1,
"numoutlets" : 0,
"patching_rect" : [ 40.0, 60.0, 30.0, 30.0 ]

, {
"box" : {
"comment" : "",
"id" : "obj-1",
"index" : 1,
"maxclass" : "inlet",
"numinlets" : 0,
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"patching_rect" : [ 40.0, 22.0, 30.0, 30.0 ]

"lines" : [ {
"patchline" : {
"destination" : [ "obj-2", 0 ],
"order" : 1,
"source" : [ "obj-1", 0 ]

, {
"patchline" : {
"destination" : [ "obj-3", 0 ],
"order" : 0,
"source" : [ "obj-1", 0 ]

"saved_attribute_attributes" : {
"default_plcolor" : {
"expression" : ""




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