license management tool, injecting licenses into source code
golic inject -c="2021 MyCompany ltd." --dry
create .licignore
in project root
# Ignore everything
# But not these files...
# ...even if they are in subdirectories
Install and run GOLIC
# GO 1.16
go install
golic inject -c="2021 MyCompany ltd."
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
inject Injects license
version Print the version number of Golic
-h, --help help for this command
-v, --verbose verbose output
Usage inject:
inject [flags]
-p, --config-path string path to the local configuration overriding config-url (default ".golic.yaml")
-u, --config-url string default config URL (default "")
-c, --copyright string company initials entered into license (default "2021 MyCompany")
-d, --dry dry run
-h, --help help for inject
-l, --licignore string .licignore path (default ".licignore")
-x, --modified-exit If enabled, exits with status 1 when any file is modified. The settings is used by CI
-t, --template string license key (default "apache2")
Global Flags:
-v, --verbose verbose output
Golic uses embeded master configuration by default.
The master configuration is compiled within binary, and if you need to change it, create PR.
However, it is much better to create a local configuration that overrides the master configuration settings. All
you have to do is create a .golic.yaml
file in the project root, or use the -p
Example below overrides master configuration by custom licenses
# .golic.yaml
apache2: |
Copyright {{copyright}}
This is my custom license text
apacheX: |
Copyright {{copyright}}
for more details see