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aurora: Model Loading

JonathanHallstrom edited this page May 5, 2023 · 2 revisions


The ModelLoader supports loading all models with the Model implementation such as NeuralNetworkModel, LinearRegressionModel, etc.

Load a pre-trained model

In this example, we'll be loading a Neural Network model

Loading from URL

NeuralNetworkModel model = null;
try (ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader(new URL(""))) {
  model = loader.load(NeuralNetworkModel.class);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

Loading from file:

NeuralNetworkModel model = null;
try (ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader(new File("my_file"))) {
  model = loader.load(NeuralNetworkModel.class);

Loading from JSON:

Example pre-trained model:

NeuralNetworkModel model = null;
try (ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader("my_json")) {
  model = loader.load(NeuralNetworkModel.class);

Using a pre-trained Model

The model comes with the same functionality as a Trainable so with the loaded NeuralNetworkModel we can do the following:

double[] input = new double[]{1, 2, 3};
double[] output = model.predict(input);

Improve / Train a pre-trained Model

Get the Trainable builder class, and use from(Model...):

NeuralNetworkTrainer nn = new NeuralNetworkBuilder()
  .from(model) // the model
  // other required parameters, such as learning rate, epochs, layers etc.
nn.train(inputs, outputs);