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Akamai CLI: DataStream 2.0 Module

This module enables the use of DataStream in the Akamai CLI tool

API Permissions

Please ensure your API client has access to the "DataStream" API (you may need to create a separate API client)


To install, use Akamai CLI:

$akamai install

You may also use this as a stand-alone command by cloning this repository and compiling it yourself.


$akamai datastream [global flags] Commands

Global Flags

  • --edgerc value — Location of the credentials file (default: user's directory like "/Users/apadmana") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  • --section value — Section of the credentials file (default: "default") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC_SECTION]
  • --debug - -d - prints debug information
  • --verbose - Print verbose information
  • --version, -v — Print the version
  • --help, -h — Show help


  • list-groups — List all Groups in the Account
  • list-connectors — List all Connectors Available.



This displays the usage of Datastream Akamai CLI.

$akamai ds --help
usage: akamai-datastream [-h] [--verbose] [--debug]
                         [--edgerc credentials_file]
                         [--section credentials_file_section]
                         [--accountSwitchKey Account Switch Key]

Process command line options.

positional arguments:
    list-groups         List all Groups in the Account
    list-connectors     List all Connectors.
    list-stream-types   List all Types of Stream.
    list-streams        List all Streams.
    list-properties     List all Properties.
    list-datasets       List all Datasets.
    list-products       List all Products.
    get-stream          Get Details of Stream.
    activation-history  Get Details of Stream Activation History.
    stream-history      Get Details of Stream History.
    create              Create a Particular Stream.
    update              Update a Particular Stream.
    activate            Activate a Particular Stream.
    deactivate          Deactivate a Particular Stream.
    delete              Delete a Particular Stream.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         Verbose mode
  --debug, -d           Debug mode (prints HTTP headers)
  --edgerc credentials_file, -e credentials_file
                        Location of the credentials file (default is
  --section credentials_file_section, -c credentials_file_section
                        Credentials file Section's name to use
  --accountSwitchKey Account Switch Key, -a Account Switch Key
                        Switch key to different account

Usage of list-groups Command

This shows how to use list-groups.

$ akamai ds list-groups- -h
$ akamai ds list-groups --help
usage: akamai-datastream list-groups [-h] [--output-type json/text]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

List All the Groups in the Account

This shows all the Groups in the Account.

$ akamai datastream list-groups
|         Group Id          |           Group Name           |
|          103489           |        Edgeconnect Lab         |
|          141474           |           mPulse Lab           |
|          118499           |  DevPoPs Demo - Please do not  |
|                           |              edit              |

List All the Groups in the Account in Json Format

This shows all the groups in the Account in Json Format.

$ akamai datastream list-groups --output-type json
    "parentGroupId": 48668,
    "contractIds": [
    "childGroupIds": [],
    "groupId": 103489,
    "groupName": "Edgeconnect Lab",
    "description": null,
    "accountId": "B-3-16OEUPX",
    "enabled": true,
    "childGroups": []
    "parentGroupId": 48668,
    "contractIds": [
    "childGroupIds": [],
    "groupId": 141474,
    "groupName": "mPulse Lab",
    "description": null,
    "accountId": "B-3-16OEUPX",
    "enabled": true,
    "childGroups": []
    "parentGroupId": 48668,
    "contractIds": [
    "childGroupIds": [],
    "groupId": 118499,
    "groupName": "DevPoPs Demo - Please do not edit",
    "description": null,
    "accountId": "B-3-16OEUPX",
    "enabled": true,
    "childGroups": []

Usage of list-connectors Command

This shows how to use list-connectors command.

$ akamai ds list-connectors -h
$ akamai ds list-connectors --help
usage: akamai datastream list-connectors [-h] [--output-type json/text]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

List of all Connectors.

Retrieve a list of all supported Connectors or End Points

$ akamai datastream list-connectors
|     ConnectorType Id      |       ConnectorType Name       |
|             7             |         Azure Storage          |
|             2             |               S3               |

Usage of list-streams Command

This shows how to use list-streams command to get the list of streams in a group.

$ akamai ds list-streams -h
$ akamai ds list-streams --help
usage: akamai datastream list-streams [-h] [--output-type json/text] groupid

positional arguments:
  groupid               Group id for which streams need to be retrieve

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type is json or text. Default is text

List of all Streams in a group.

Retrieve a list of all streams in a group.

$ akamai datastream list-streams 173720
| StreamId |      StreamName      |    CreatedBy    |        Properties         |      Connectors      |    Status    |
|   5680   |   OPEN API testing   |    mrangasw     |     ogravier.betajam-     |  Azure Storage-Auto  | DEACTIVATED  |
|          |                      |                 |     dstream.fun_clone     |        FIlled        |              |
|   5670   |    dgarg_betajam     |      dgarg      |   betajam-dstream-dgarg   |   S3-dgarg_betajam   |  ACTIVATED   |

Usage of get-stream Command

This shows how to use get-stream command to get the details of a stream in a group.

$ akamai ds get-stream -h
$ akamai ds get-stream --help
usage: akamai datastream get-stream [-h] [--version <latest>/<version id>]
                                    [--output-type json/text]

positional arguments:
  streamid              Details of the stream

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version <latest>/<version id>, -v <latest>/<version id>
                        Version id to fetch. Default will be latest version.
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type is json or text. Default is text

Get the details of a stream.

Retrieve the details of a stream.

$ akamai datastream get-stream 5665

Stream Id: 5665
Stream Name: achuth-ds2betajam
Stream Version: 1
Stream Type: RAW_LOGS
Connector Name: achuth-s3ds2
Connector Type: S3
Product Name: Adaptive_Media_Delivery
Upload Frequency(in secs): 30
Created By: apadmana
Datasets Selected:
|        Group Name         |  Field Id  |        Field Name         |          Field Description          |
|      Log information      |    1000    |          CP Code          |  Content Provider Code associated   |
|                           |            |                           |            with Request             |
|      Log information      |    1002    |        Request ID         |  The request identifier associated  |
|                           |            |                           |            with request             |
|      Log information      |    1100    |       Request Time        |      Start time of the request      |
|   Message exchange data   |    1005    |           Bytes           |   The content bytes served in the   |
|                           |            |                           |           client response           |
|   Message exchange data   |    1006    |         Client IP         |  The IP address of the requesting   |
|                           |            |                           |               client                |
|   Message exchange data   |    1008    |     HTTP Status Codes     |  The HTTP Response status sent to   |
|                           |            |                           |             the client              |

Get the details of a Specific version of a stream.

Retrieve the details of a specific version of a stream.

$ akamai datastream get-stream 5665 -v 2
Stream Id: 5665
Stream Name: achuth-ds2betajam
Stream Version: 2
Stream Type: RAW_LOGS
Connector Name: achuth-s3ds2
Connector Type: S3
Product Name: Adaptive_Media_Delivery
Upload Frequency(in secs): 30
Created By: apadmana
Datasets Selected:
|        Group Name         |  Field Id  |        Field Name         |          Field Description          |
|      Log information      |    1000    |          CP Code          |  Content Provider Code associated   |
|                           |            |                           |            with Request             |
|   Message exchange data   |    1006    |         Client IP         |  The IP address of the requesting   |
|                           |            |                           |               client                |
|   Message exchange data   |    1008    |     HTTP Status Codes     |  The HTTP Response status sent to   |
|                           |            |                           |             the client              |
|                           |            |                           |   The protocol of the transaction   |
|   Message exchange data   |    1009    |       Protocol Type       | being monitored. Currently HTTP or  |
|                           |            |                           |               HTTPS.                |
|   Message exchange data   |    1011    |       Request Host        | The value of the Host header of the |
|                           |            |                           |       incoming client request       |
|                           |            |                           | The method of the incoming request  |
|   Message exchange data   |    1012    |      Request Method       |   - assuming an HTTP request. For   |
|                           |            |                           |  example: GET, POST, PUT, and HEAD  |

Usage of activation-history Command

This shows how to use activation-history command to get the details of activation history of a stream .

$ akamai ds activation-history -h
$ akamai ds activation-history --help
uusage: akamai-datastream activation-history [-h] [--output-type json/text]

positional arguments:
  streamid              Stream ID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type is json or text. Default is text

List the Activation History of a Stream.

This command gives the details of activation history of a stream.

$ akamai datastream activation-history 5665
| StreamId | VersionId |    CreatedBy    |       Created Date        |     Status      |
|   5665   |     2     |    apadmana     |  08-08-2020 14:00:43 GMT  |     Active      |
|   5665   |     1     |    apadmana     |  05-08-2020 17:31:17 GMT  |     Active      |
|   5665   |     1     |    apadmana     |  05-08-2020 15:41:29 GMT  |    Inactive     |

Usage of list-stream-types Command

This shows how to use list-stream-types command.

$ akamai ds list-stream-types -h
$ akamai ds list-stream-types --help
usage: akamai-datastream list-stream-types [-h] [--output-type json/text]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

List of all Stream Types.

Get the list of all types of streams available.

$ akamai datastream list-stream-types
| StreamTypeId | StreamTypeName | StreamTypeIdentifier |  Delivery  |   Raw    |
|      3       |    2.0 BETA    |       RAW_LOGS       |    Log     |   Yes    |

List of all Products.

Get the list of all types of Products, Products Ids and groups it is available.

$ akamai datastream list-products
|       Product        |        Product Id         |          Groups           |    Templates    |
|                      |                           |   [48668, 73337, 84517,   |                 |
|     Ion Standard     |       Ion_Standard        |  93139, 103415, 103489,   |  ['EDGE_LOGS']  |
|                      |                           |  106598, 117609, 118499,  |                 |
|                      |                           |      141474, 173720]      |                 |
|                      |                           |   [48668, 73337, 84517,   |                 |
|     Ion Premier      |        Ion_Premier        |  93139, 103415, 103489,   |  ['EDGE_LOGS']  |
|                      |                           |  106598, 117609, 118499,  |                 |
|                      |                           |      141474, 173720]      |                 |
|                      |                           |   [48668, 73337, 84517,   |                 |
|     Dynamic Site     | Dynamic_Site_Accelerator  |  93139, 103415, 103489,   |  ['EDGE_LOGS']  |
|     Accelerator      |                           |  106598, 117609, 118499,  |                 |
|                      |                           |      141474, 173720]      |                 |
|                      |                           |   [48668, 73337, 84517,   |                 |
|  Ion Media Advanced  |    Ion_Media_Advanced     |  93139, 103415, 103489,   |  ['EDGE_LOGS']  |
|                      |                           |  106598, 117609, 118499,  |                 |
|                      |                           |      141474, 173720]      |                 |
|                      |                           |   [48668, 73337, 84517,   |                 |
|    Adaptive Media    |  Adaptive_Media_Delivery  |  93139, 103415, 103489,   |  ['EDGE_LOGS']  |
|       Delivery       |                           |  106598, 117609, 118499,  |                 |
|                      |                           |      141474, 173720]      |                 |
|                      |                           |   [48668, 73337, 84517,   |                 |
|  Download Delivery   |     Download_Delivery     |  93139, 103415, 103489,   |  ['EDGE_LOGS']  |
|                      |                           |  106598, 117609, 118499,  |                 |
|                      |                           |      141474, 173720]      |                 |

Get the Stream History.

Retrieves the history of a stream. This takes stream ID as input

$akamai datastream stream-history <streamid>
$ akamai datastream stream-history 5665
Stream ID: 5665
Stream Version: 4
Stream Name: achuth-ds2betajam
Product Name Adaptive Media Delivery
Log information : ['Request ID', 'Request Time']
Message exchange data : ['Client IP', 'Request Method']
Stream ID: 5665
Stream Version: 3
Stream Name: achuth-ds2betajam
Product Name Adaptive Media Delivery
Log information : ['CP Code']
Message exchange data : ['Request Host', 'Client IP', 'Request Method', 'Request Path']
Request header data : ['Referer', 'Range']
Network performance data : ['Request End Time', 'Turn Around Time']
Stream ID: 5665
Stream Version: 2
Stream Name: achuth-ds2betajam
Product Name Adaptive Media Delivery
Log information : ['CP Code']
Message exchange data : ['Request Host', 'Client IP', 'Request Method', 'HTTP Status Codes', 'Request Path', 'Protocol Type', 'Total Bytes']
Request header data : ['Referer', 'Range']
Network performance data : ['Request End Time', 'Turn Around Time']
Stream ID: 5665
Stream Version: 1
Stream Name: achuth-ds2betajam
Product Name Adaptive Media Delivery
Log information : ['CP Code', 'Request ID', 'Request Time']
Message exchange data : ['Bytes', 'Request Host', 'Response Content Length', 'Client IP', 'Request Method', 'Response Content Type', 'HTTP Status Codes', 'Request Path', 'User-Agent', 'Protocol Type', 'Request Port', 'Total Bytes']
Request header data : ['Accept-Language', 'X-Forwarded-For', 'Cookie', 'Range', 'Referer']
Network performance data : ['Request End Time', 'Transfer Time', 'Error Code R14', 'Turn Around Time']

Get the Datasets Available

Retrieves the list of datasets for a particular template.

$akamai datastream list-datasets --template <templatename>
$ akamai datastream list-datasets --template EDGE_LOGS
|        Group Name         |  Field Id  |        Field Name         |          Field Description          |
|      Log information      |    1000    |          CP Code          |  Content Provider Code associated   |
|                           |            |                           |            with Request             |
|      Log information      |    1002    |        Request ID         |  The request identifier associated  |
|                           |            |                           |            with request             |
|      Log information      |    1100    |       Request Time        |      Start time of the request      |
|   Message exchange data   |    1005    |           Bytes           |   The content bytes served in the   |
|                           |            |                           |           client response           |
|   Message exchange data   |    1006    |         Client IP         |  The IP address of the requesting   |
|                           |            |                           |               client                |
|   Message exchange data   |    1008    |     HTTP Status Codes     |  The HTTP Response status sent to   |
|                           |            |                           |             the client              |
|                           |            |                           |   The protocol of the transaction   |
|   Message exchange data   |    1009    |       Protocol Type       | being monitored. Currently HTTP or  |
|                           |            |                           |               HTTPS.                |
|   Message exchange data   |    1011    |       Request Host        | The value of the Host header of the |
|                           |            |                           |       incoming client request       |
|                           |            |                           | The method of the incoming request  |
|   Message exchange data   |    1012    |      Request Method       |   - assuming an HTTP request. For   |
|                           |            |                           |  example: GET, POST, PUT, and HEAD  |
|                           |            |                           |  The path used in the incoming URI  |
|   Message exchange data   |    1013    |       Request Path        |   from the client, not including    |
|                           |            |                           |            query strings            |
|   Message exchange data   |    1014    |       Request Port        |   The port number of the incoming   |
|                           |            |                           |           client request            |
|   Message exchange data   |    1015    |  Response Content Length  |   The value of the Content-Length   |
|                           |            |                           |    header in the client response    |
|   Message exchange data   |    1016    |   Response Content Type   |    The value of the Content-Type    |
|                           |            |                           |    header in the client request     |
|   Message exchange data   |    1017    |        User-Agent         | The value of the User-Agent header  |
|                           |            |                           |        in the client request        |
|                           |            |                           |  The total bytes served in client   |
|   Message exchange data   |    1101    |        Total Bytes        |  response including content & HTTP  |
|                           |            |                           |              overhead               |
|                           |            |                           | Provides a list of acceptable human |
|    Request header data    |    1019    |      Accept-Language      |     languages for response. For     |
|                           |            |                           | example, American English is en-US  |
|                           |            |                           |  Lists the HTTP cookie previously   |
|    Request header data    |    1023    |          Cookie           |   sent by the server in the Set-    |
|                           |            |                           |               Cookie                |
|                           |            |                           |   Requests a specific part of an    |
|    Request header data    |    1031    |           Range           |  entity by providing a single byte  |
|                           |            |                           |   range or a set of byte ranges.    |
|                           |            |                           |     Bytes are numbered from 0.      |
|    Request header data    |    1032    |          Referer          |  Lists the resource from which the  |
|                           |            |                           |     requested URI was obtained      |
|                           |            |                           |    Identifies the originating IP    |
|    Request header data    |    1037    |      X-Forwarded-For      | address of a client connecting to a |
|                           |            |                           | web server through an HTTP proxy or |
|                           |            |                           |            load balancer            |
| Network performance data  |    1033    |     Request End Time      |  Provides the time of the request   |
|                           |            |                           |  If there is an error serving the   |
| Network performance data  |    1068    |      Error Code R14       |   request a string indicating the   |
|                           |            |                           |       problem is logged here.       |
|                           |            |                           |  The time in milliseconds between   |
|                           |            |                           |  receipt of the end of the request  |
| Network performance data  |    1102    |     Turn Around Time      | headers and when the first byte of  |
|                           |            |                           | the reply is written to the client  |
|                           |            |                           |               socket                |
|                           |            |                           | The time in milliseconds it took to |
|                           |            |                           |  send the response to the client,   |
| Network performance data  |    1103    |       Transfer Time       | measured from the time Akamai Edge  |
|                           |            |                           | was ready to send the first byte to |
|                           |            |                           |     when it sent the last byte.     |
|                           |            |                           | contains the value specified by the |
|                           |            |                           | metadata tag reporting:lds.custom-  |
|           Other           |    1082    |       Custom Field        | field. Note that, the tag can (and  |
|                           |            |                           | generally would) take an extracted  |
|                           |            |                           |   variable as its content, so the   |
|                           |            |                           |  value of this field is not fixed.  |

Activate a Stream.

This Command will activate a stream.

$akamai datastream activate <stream id>
$ akamai datastream activate 5669
  "streamVersionKey": {
    "streamId": 5669,
    "streamVersionId": 1

Deactivate a Stream.

This Command will deactivate a stream.

$akamai datastream deactivate <stream id>
$ akamai datastream deactivate 6305
  "streamVersionKey": {
    "streamId": 6305,
    "streamVersionId": 1

List all properties of a product type in a group .

This Command will list all properties of a product type in a group

$akamai datastream list-properties <groupdId> <productId>
$ akamai datastream list-properties 173720 Adaptive_Media_Delivery
| Property |          PropertyName          |
|    Id    |                                |
|  632446  |    |
|  638300  |   damin.betajam-dstream-amd    |
|  639714  |   tblackfo.techjam.fun_clone   |
|  639728  |    betajam-dstream-smacleod    |
|  639731  |    etajam-dstream-heerikss     |
|  639732  |    betajam-dstream-gethilka    |
|  639737  |      |
|  639738  | apadmana-amd_template.techjam  |
|  639753  |     sammy.betajam-dstream      |
|  639754  |       ogravier.betajam-        |
|          |       dstream.fun_clone        |
|  645893  |    betajam-dstream-jtokimit    |
|  645896  |   aphilip.techjam.fun_clone    |
|  648514  | apadmana-amd_template1.techjam |
|  648528  |           apadmana-            |
|          |  amd_template3.techjam_clone   |
|  648529  | apadmana-amd_template2.techjam |

Create a Stream.

This CLI will create a stream. This command expects a json file in the same directory and the format is available in create_template.json file.

$akamai datastream create <json_file_name>

Create json file format is shown below.

  "streamName": "test-ds-jam",
  "activateNow": false,
  "streamType": "RAW_LOGS",
  "productId": "Adaptive_Media_Delivery",
  "templateName": "EDGE_LOGS",
  "groupId": 12373asd720,
  "groupName": "DS2 Beta Jam",
  "contractId": "3-16TSLSLWBVX",
  "propertyIds": [
  "datasetFieldIds": [
  "config": {
    "delimiter": "COMMA",
    "uploadFilePrefix": "ak",
    "uploadFileSuffix": "ds",
    "frequency": {
      "timeInSec": 30,
      "sizeInMb": 4,
      "numberOfRecords": 32000
    "useStaticPublicIP": false
  "connectors": [
      "compressLogs": true,
      "path": "apadmaasdsadna/",
      "connectorName": "achuasdsadth-s3ds2",
      "bucket": "ds2betasdsadajam",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "accessKey": "acess_key",
      "secretAccessKey": "secret_key",
      "connectorType": "S3"
  "emailIds": ""
$ akamai datastream create create.json
  "streamVersionKey": {
    "streamId": 6454,
    "streamVersionId": 1

Update a Stream.

This CLI will update a stream. This command expects stream id and a json file in the same directory and the format is available in update_template.json file. This command will also auto publish the stream.

$akamai datastream update <streamId> <json_file_name>

Update json file format is shown below.

    "streamName": "achuth-dasdsads2betajam",
    "streamType": "RAW_LOGS",
    "templateName": "EDGE_LOGS",
    "contractId": "3-16TWBVX",
    "propertyIds": [
    "datasetFieldIds": [
    "config": {
        "delimiter": "COMMA",
        "uploadFilePrefix": "ak",
        "uploadFileSuffix": "amai",
        "frequency": {
            "timeInSec": 30,
            "sizeInMb": 4,
            "numberOfRecords": 32000
    "emailIds": ""
$ akamai datastream update 6454 update.json
  "streamVersionKey": {
    "streamId": 6454,
    "streamVersionId": 2

Delete a Stream.

This CLI will delete a stream. The stream should be in deactivated state.

$akamai datastream delete <streamId>
$ akamai datastream delete 6455
  "message": "Success"
$akamai datastream delete 6455
  "type": "bad-request",
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "instance": "790778d4-e130-4bbb-a329-44090e547985",
  "status": 400,
  "errors": [
      "type": "bad-request",
      "title": "Bad Request",
      "detail": "Stream is already deleted.Please provide valid stream."
$akamai datastream delete 6305
  "type": "bad-request",
  "title": "Bad Request",
  "instance": "26acb89e-a2fc-4439-9b15-d59f513e3811",
  "status": 400,
  "errors": [
      "type": "bad-request",
      "title": "Bad Request",
      "detail": "Deactivation of stream is in progress. Stream can not be deleted."


Akamai CLI for datastream







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