This project was developed as part of a course at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, for the subject Industrial Communication Protocols.
The task was to develop a service for storing data received from clients. The service consisted of one Load Balancer (LB) component and an arbitrary number (N) of Worker (WR) components.
Ensure you have a C++ compiler installed. Supported compilers include:
- GCC: Available for Linux, macOS, and Windows (via MinGW).
- MSVC: Provided with Visual Studio on Windows.
- Clang: Compatible with Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Follow the respective links for download and installation instructions based on your operating system.
Clone the project:
Clone the repository and navigate to the Load Balancer project directory:
git clone cd Project_IKP_Load_Balancing/Project_IKP_Load_Balancer
Build using MSVC:
Open the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 and build the project using the following command:
msbuild Project_IKP_Load_Balancer.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
Run the projec:
To start the Load Balancer and initialize the required components (Workers and Clients), simply double-click on: