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Terraform Google Cloud SQL Postgres module with K8s secret deploy

Terraform module for provisioning GCP SQL Postgres database. It should also deploy the username and password to K8s as a secret. That could be used in setting up cloudsql proxy pod.


module "postgresql" {
  source  = "AckeeCZ/postgresql/sql"

  project = "${var.project}"
  region = "${var.region}"
  zone = "${}"
  namespace = "${var.namespace}"
  cluster_ca_certificate = "${module.gke.cluster_ca_certificate}"
  cluster_user = "${module.gke.cluster_username}"
  cluster_pass = "${module.gke.cluster_password}"
  cluster_endpoint = "${module.gke.endpoint}"
  environment = "production"
  instance_tier = "db-n1-standard-1" # optional, default is db-n1-standard-1
  availability_type = "REGIONAL" # REGIONAL for HA setup, ZONAL for single zone
  vault_secret_path = "secret/devops/generated/${TYPE}/${var.project}/${var.environment}" # ${TYPE} should be set to internal for internal projects, external for external projects
  read_replicas = {
    replica-a : {
      instance_tier = "db-custom-1-3840"
      ipv4_enabled  = false
      zone          = "europe-west3-a"
    replica-b : {
      instance_tier = "db-custom-1-3840"
      ipv4_enabled  = false
      zone          = "europe-west3-b"

Read replicas

Read replicas are configured from read_replicas parameter map. Key serve as replica name, it is appended to primary's instance_name local variable.

Every read replica have four parameters:

  • instance_tier: Instance type for replica, equivalent of primary's instance_tier parameter.
  • ipv4_enabled: Availability of public IP address on replica, equivalent of primary's ipv4_enabled parameter.
  • zone: Zone where read replicas is deployed. This is bit different from primary's zone parameter. On primary instance, we define "prefered location"
  • authorized_networks: List of maps of strings authorized networks allowed to connect to Cloud SQL Read Replica Instance, example: [{name: the_office, cidr:}] This parameter is optional.
  • HA instance will change it's location in case of failover, but read replicas have zone "hard set".

Before you do anything in this module

Install pre-commit hooks by running following commands:

brew install pre-commit terraform-docs
pre-commit install


GKE module:

Example SQL proxy specification

proxy.yaml in infrastuktura-template repo


Name Version
terraform >= 0.15


Name Version
google n/a
kubernetes n/a
random n/a
vault n/a


No modules.


Name Type
google_compute_global_address.psql_private_ip_address resource
google_project_iam_member.sqlproxy_role resource
google_project_service.enable-servicenetworking-api resource
google_project_service.enable_sqladmin_api resource
google_service_account.sqlproxy resource
google_service_account_key.sqlproxy resource
google_service_networking_connection.private_vpc_connection resource
google_sql_database.default resource
google_sql_database_instance.default resource
google_sql_database_instance.read_replica resource
google_sql_user.default resource
google_sql_user.postgres resource
kubernetes_endpoints.cloudsql resource
kubernetes_secret.sqlproxy resource
kubernetes_service.cloudsql resource
random_id.instance_name_suffix resource
random_password.postgres_default resource
random_password.postgres_postgres resource
vault_generic_secret.default resource
google_compute_network.default data source


Name Description Type Default Required
authorized_networks List of maps of strings authorized networks allowed to connect to Cloud SQL instance, example: [{name: the_office, cidr:}] list(map(string)) [] no
availability_type The availability type of the Cloud SQL instance, high availability (REGIONAL) or single zone (ZONAL) string "ZONAL" no
backup_location Location of backups string "eu" no
backup_start_time The time, when backup starts string "03:00" no
cloudsql_port CloudSQL's port number 5432 no
cluster_ca_certificate Public CA certificate that is the root of trust for the GKE K8s cluster string null no
cluster_endpoint Cluster control plane endpoint string "" no
cluster_token Cluster master token, keep always secret! string null no
database_flags The optional settings.database_flags list of values, where key is name and value is value from documentation: map(string) {} no
db_version Database version string "POSTGRES_11" no
default_dbname_override Overrides default postgres database name string null no
deletion_protection Whether or not to allow Terraform to destroy the instance. Unless this field is set to false in Terraform state, a terraform destroy or terraform apply command that deletes the instance will fail. bool true no
disk_autoresize Configuration to increase storage size automatically bool true no
disk_autoresize_limit Limit of disk space for autoresize number 0 no
enable_query_insights Enable query insights bool true no
environment Project enviroment, e.g. stage, production and development string "development" no
instance_tier The machine type to use string "db-custom-1-3840" no
kubernetes_service_name Name of kubernetes service string "cloudsql" no
maintenance_window_day The day, when maintenance window will be performed string "7" no
maintenance_window_hour The hour, when maintenance window begins string "4" no
name_override Sets complete CloudSQL instance name string null no
namespace K8s namespace to where insert Cloud SQL credentials secrets string "production" no
network GCE VPC used for possible private IP addresses string "default" no
password_length Password length of postgres users number 16 no
password_special Use special characters for passwords of postgres users bool true no
point_in_time_recovery Enable Point-in-time recovery (effectively turns on WAL) bool false no
private_ip If set to true, private IP address will get allocated and connect it to VPC network set in in the project -- once enabled, this can't be turned off. bool false no
project GCP project name string n/a yes
provision_kubernetes_resources Should we provision anything that needs Kubernetes? bool true no
public_ip If set to true, public IP address will get allocated bool false no
query_string_length_insights Insights maximum query length stored in bytes. Between 256 and 4500. Default to 1024. number 1024 no
random_id_length Byte length of random ID, used as suffix in SQL name number 4 no
read_replicas Map of maps containing name as a key of read_replicas mapa and settings some parameters of read replica. For more information see README part Read replica map {} no
region GCP region string "europe-west3" no
secondary_zone secondary GCP region preference string null no
sqlproxy_dependencies If set to true, we will create dependencies for running SQLproxy - GCP IAM SA, Kubernetes secret and Kubernetes Service bool true no
sqlproxy_service_account_name SQL instance service account name string null no
transaction_log_retention_days The number of days of transaction logs we retain for point in time restore, from 1-7. number null no
user_labels Labels to the instance map(string) {} no
user_suffix Suffix - used, for instance, when you create a clone. Should include starting dash string "" no
vault_secret_path Path to secret in local vault, used mainly to save gke credentials string n/a yes
zone The preferred compute engine zone string "europe-west3-c" no


Name Description
instance_connection_name PSQL instance connection name
instance_name PSQL instance name
postgres_default_password PSQL password to default user
postgres_instance_connection_name PSQL instance connection name
postgres_instance_ip_settings PSQL instance IP address settings
postgres_instance_name PSQL instance name
postgres_postgres_password PSQL password to postgres user
postgres_reader_instance_ip_settings PSQL instance IP address settings of read replicas