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A minimal devlog service.


  • Markdown based posts
  • Supports image uploading to AWS S3
  • Supports thumbnails
  • Supports blurhash
  • Supports elasticsearch
  • Supports access level
  • Minimal administration APIs
  • Generates sitemaps automatically
  • SSR
  • CDN

Environment variables

Variable Description Related functionality
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Access key ID Post images and thumbnails
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret key Post images and thumbnails
AWS_REGION AWS region Post images and thumbnails
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME AWS S3 bucket name Post images and thumbnails
AWS_S3_CACHE_CONTROL AWS S3 cache control value (must be valid Cache-Control value e.g. max-age=3600 defaults to 'max-age=86400') Post images and thumbnails
TYPEORM_CONNECTION Typeorm setting Database
TYPEORM_HOST Typeorm setting Database
TYPEORM_PORT Typeorm setting Database
TYPEORM_USERNAME Typeorm setting Database
TYPEORM_PASSWORD Typeorm setting Database
TYPEORM_DATABASE Typeorm setting Database
ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_HOST Hostname of the elasticsearch node (maybe Elasticsearch
ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_PORT Port number of the elasticsearch node (maybe 9200) Elasticsearch
SITEMAP_BASE_URL URL of the frontend index page for sitemaps (must be end with a slash e.g. Sitemap
POST_BASE_URL URL of the frontend post page for sitemaps (must be end with a slash e.g. Sitemap
SSR_FRONTEND_URL URL of the frontend post page for SSR (must be end with a slash e.g. SSR
SSR_FRONTEND_DIR Path to the frontend directory SSR
SSR_FRONTEND_SCRIPTS Comma-separated list of script file names that must be executed during SSR SSR
SSR_FRONTEND_SCRIPT_ATTACHMENTS Comma-separated list of script URLs that must be attached to the end of body after SSR (e.g. /index.js) SSR
SSR_FRONTEND_EVENT DOM event name that will be fired when the pages are ready to serve for SSR (defaults to app-loaded) SSR
SSR_FRONTEND_TIMEOUT Timeout of the SSR rendering in milisecond (defaults to 5000) SSR
SSR_CACHE_EXPIRY Expiry of the caches for SSR rendered pages in milisecond (defaults to 604800000, the caches are automatically purged when any visible changes made) SSR
CDN_BASE_URL URL of the CDN to serve images(NOT videos) (must be end with a slash e.g. CDN

Access Level

devlog-backend supports access level control of each post.

  • public: Posts can be listed and fetched by anonymous clients.
  • unlisted: Posts cannot be listed, but can be fetched by anonymous clients.
  • private: Posts can be listed and fetched by only authenticated clients.